wet reaction

[wɛt riˈækʃən][wet riˈækʃən]


  • Treatment of wastewater with high concentration of organic matters by catalytic wet oxidation method ⅱ . the study of reaction conditions

    难降解高浓度有机废水催化 湿式氧化净化技术Ⅱ 反应工艺条件的研究电催化氧化法处理难降解有机废水

  • A Study of Calcium Phosphate Bioceramics Coating Deposited by Wet Chemical Reaction


  • Using the improve wet wall tower measure the reaction velocity coefficient of NH_3-CO_3 . The thesis shows that the NH3 · H2O in low carbonization absorb CO_2 is one step fast reaction pattern ;

    本文采用田晴夫等提出的改良型 湿壁塔作为测定 NH3&CO2反应速率常数的实验装置,进行了碳化氨水溶液对CO2吸收速率的测定。

  • Pd-Cu / AC catalyst was prepared by wet impregnation method can be effectively removed of nitrate from water by catalytic reduction reaction .

    以活性炭为载体通过 湿式浸渍法制备的Pd-Cu双金属负载催化剂,可以有效地通过催化还原 反应过程去除水中硝酸盐。

  • As we know both the wet preparation and precipitation process were actually chemical reaction controlled process . The imposition of steady magnetic field not only affects the dynamics behavior but also the thermodynamics behavior during the reaction process .

    上述 湿法制备过程和沉淀过程实际上也是化学 反应过程,稳恒磁场的施加不但影响上述过程的动力学行为,对其热力学行为也将产生影响。

  • One-step solvent exchange and surface modification of wet gel were accomplished by reaction of trimethylchlorosilane ( TMCS ) with ethanol pore water and Si-OH group in the wet gel .

    通过TMCS与乙醇、湿凝胶孔隙水及Si-OH基团之间的 反应,使 湿凝胶的溶剂交换和表面改性得以在一步完成。

  • In given phosphoric acid equipment by wet method if the material phosphate has good reactivity the reaction time can be reduced otherwise reaction time must be lengthened .

    在既定的 湿法磷酸装置上,原料磷矿的反应性能好,则可以缩短 反应时间;

  • This research put preliminary study on the reaction kinetics of copper-based catalysts for catalytic wet air oxidation of acrylic fiber wastewater . Research shows that the reaction rate and organic matter concentration was a first-response relationship .

    此次研究对铜基催化剂催化 湿式氧化处理腈纶废水反应动力学进行初探,通过经验模型分析出催化 湿式氧化腈纶废水的 反应速率与有机物浓度是呈一级反应关系的。

  • Wet chemical reaction kinetics and characteristics of ultrafine antimonide oxide / kaolin composite powder

    氧化锑/高岭土复合阻燃微粉的 湿化学 反应动力学及特性

  • Wet ability and reaction of C with Al-Ti alloy

    C与 Al-Ti合金的 浸润 反应

  • Influence of Magnesium Sulfate Wet Packing to Treat Patients With Local Reaction Induced by Chemotherapy

    硫酸镁 湿敷对化疗病人局部 反应的影响

  • Cracking is mainly due to dry / wet cycling physicochemical reaction and different settlement .

    开裂的主要机理是 干湿循环作用、物理化学 作用及差异沉降作用。

  • The author utilized three kinds of different methods including dry etching wet etching and the one that combined the two to fabricate the reaction chambers .

    本文利用硅基微机械加工工艺,分别采用 湿法化学腐蚀、干法等离子体刻蚀及两者相结合的方法进行了微 反应腔的制作。

  • The Effects of Dry and Wet Hydrogen Reduction on the Structure and Reaction Characteristics of Pt-Sn Catalyst

    干湿氢还原对Pt-Sn催化剂结构和 反应性能之影响

  • Kinetics of wet flue gas desulfurization by urea is studied here based on which reaction series and reaction rate constant are defined .

    通过对尿素 湿法烟气脱硫过程动力学的研究,确定其 反应级数及反应速率常数。

  • The spinning methods of Spandex are dry spinning wet spinning chemical reaction spinning and melt spinning . The output of dry spinning can reach 80 % of Spandex total output in the world .

    氨纶的纺丝方法有干纺、 湿纺、化学 反应纺丝和熔融纺丝法,干纺产量占世界氨纶总产量的80%。

  • The wet FGD process with waste marble was studied experimentally and the mass transfer reaction mechanism was analyzed .

    实验研究了废大理石粉作为脱硫剂的 湿法烟气脱硫工艺,分析了其吸收SO2的传质 反应机理。

  • A wet chemistry method was used to synthesize mullite instead of conventional solid-state reaction . The calcined kaolin was reacted with hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) to dissolve the aluminum in kaolin .

    实验以廉价高岭土为主要原料,采用 湿化学法代替传统的固相 ,将经过煅烧后的高岭土与盐酸 反应,使高岭土中的铝被酸溶解,实现高岭土中的硅铝分离。

  • By studying experimentally wet flue gas desulfurization with lime as absorbent and rotating-stream-tray scrubber as absorber the mass transfer and reaction process on Ca ( OH ) 2 slurry absorbing SO2 is analyzed . Furthermore the process mechanism is proposed .

    对以族流板塔作吸收器的石灰 湿法烟气脱硫技术进行了试验研究,分析了石灰浆液吸收SO2的传质- 反应过程,并提出了Ca(OH)2浆液吸收SO2的传质-反应过程机理。

  • Observation on Effect of Ethacridine Lactate Solution Combining with Infrared Ray to Treat Patients with Radiation-induced Skin Wet Reaction

    乳酸依沙吖啶溶液配合红外线治疗放射性皮肤 湿反应的护理观察

  • WET AIR OXIDATION OF AMMONIA OVER RUTHENIUM CATALYST The Reaction Conditions and the N_2 Selectivity

    钌催化剂存在下的氨 湿法氧化 反应条件与N2选择性

  • The Studies Characteristics of Methane / Wet Air Autothermal Catalytic Reforming Reaction and Carbon Deposition under the Low-Temperature

    甲烷/ 湿空气低温下自热催化重整 反应与积碳特性研究

  • The wet air oxidation of printing and dying wastewater and its reaction kinetics were investigated in the present work .

    研究了用 湿式空气氧化法处理纺织印染废水的 过程,并建立了相应的 动力学模型。

  • By using a trickle bed reactor which was designed by the authors the catalytic wet air oxidation reaction of phenol on CuO / γ - Al 2O 3 catalyst was studied .

    通过自行设计制作的滴流床反应器,研究了苯酚在以CuO/γAl2O3为催化剂的催化 湿式氧化 反应

  • The COD removal rate of Ru / ZrO2-CeO2 in catalytic wet oxidation phenol was raised with the increase of reaction temperature pressure and catalyst dosage . The optimal reaction conditions were temperature of 150 ℃ ; pressure of 3MPa ;

    Ru/ZrO2-CeO2催化 湿式氧化苯酚的COD去除率随着 反应温度的升高、压力的增大和催化剂使用量的增加而升高,最优反应条件为温度150℃,压力3MPa,催化剂用量35g/L。

  • Studies on Wet Chemical Synthesis of Y_2O_3 Stabilized ZrO_2 Wet chemical reaction kinetics and characteristics of ultrafine antimonide oxide / kaolin composite powder

    Y2O3稳定的ZrO2氧离子导体的湿化学合成氧化锑/高岭土复合阻燃微粉的 湿化学 反应动力学及特性

  • The Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation Reaction of Acetic Acid with Ti-Ce Series Catalyst

    Ti-Ce系列催化剂上乙酸的催化 湿式氧化 反应

  • CONCLUSION : Chitosan is suitable for the stabilization of CPC in a wet environment for it accelerates the setting reaction and improves the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of the cements .

    结论: CPC-壳聚糖复合物在 潮湿条件下更稳定,固化时间缩短,抗压强度提高,生物相容性更好。

  • It 's a economical way to make compound fertilizer named Potassium Phosphate Using carnallite and wet phosphoric acid by double decomposition reaction .

    用光卤石和 湿法磷酸通过复分解 反应生产磷钾复合肥料是较经济的方法。

  • Technologies of biological denitrification and wet catalytic oxidation were studied in terms of reaction mechanism process improvement techno economic analysis and application result .

    针对存在问题,进行了生物脱氮及 湿式催化氧化技术的研究,涉及 反应机理、工艺路线的改进、技术经济分析及处理效果。