wet ashing


  • Methods Wet ashing and dry ashing were used to digest the tissues and blood .

    方法:采用 湿法 消化和干法消化两种方法 处理生物样品。

  • Dry and dry - wet combination method were used in ashing of grain samples .

    谷物样品采用干法为主, 干湿结合的办法 灰化

  • Wet ashing and flame atomic absorption determination of Ca Mg and Fe have been studied .

    本文研究了 湿法 灰化火焰原子吸收法测定 多种 加工 食品中的钙、镁和铁。

  • Making a comparison of the experiments on tree samples between the wet ashing method and the extracting method

    树木样品 湿 灰化法与浸提法的比较试验

  • The paper describes using IM hydrochloric acid to extract aswell as using the wet ashing method to treat tree samples * roots branches bark and leaves .

    本文介绍用1M盐酸浸提树木样品&根、枝、皮、叶并且用 湿 灰化法对该样品加以处理。

  • Results The recovery efficiency of wet ashing was more satisfactory which was ranging from 92.7 % to 104.4 % .

    结果: 湿法 消化的回收率为92.7%~104.4%,比干法消化稳定、准确。

  • We consider that using the extracting method to determine on a large scale the contents of potassium calcium and magnesium in tree samples seems much better faster and simpler than using the wet ashing method .

    我认为大规模地测定树木样品中的钾、钙、镁含量用 提法 比湿 灰化好、又快,而且简便。

  • In this paper a method for determination of Pb Fe and Ca in citric acid monohydrate was studied the experimental results were compared with the results from the standard adding and wet ashing methods .

    本文研究了一水柠檬酸中微量铅、铁和钙的测定方法,并与标准加入法和 湿法 灰化 得的结果进行了比较,获得了较为满意的结果。

  • Comparison of Several Wet Ashing Methods in Analysing Trace Elements of Human Hair

    几种人发 湿法 消化法的比较

  • Use wet digestion to measure the Zinc content in the milk sample and the recovery ( 96.1 % ) of it is apparently higher than that of dry ashing ( 88.3 % ) .

    测牛奶中锌含量选用 湿式消化法测得的回收率(961%)明显高于干式 灰化 (883%)。