


  • Wen and a half or pocket money to children so as not to complete it ?


  • He told the taxi driver Mr Sun wen about the bag .

    他将包的事告诉了出租车司机 孙文先生。

  • Jiang Wen is at the top of the world-the world of Chinese cinema that is .


  • Our Life Wen Ding life Creation Centre Shanghai .

    我们的生活,上海 文定生活创意中心,上海。

  • And now it 's the Temple of King Wen .

    现在已经成为 文王庙了。

  • This paper attempts to analyze the contributions of Wen Yi Zhen Di from the angle of world literature .

    文章从译入国、文章体裁和 编辑者等方面分析了《文阵新辑》是如何引入世界文学的。

  • When Emperor Wen first came to the throne a general amnesty was proclaimed to the empire .


  • If is not because the2008 earthquake I will never know Wenchuan let alone Wen county .

    如果不是因为2008年的那一场地震,我或许永远不会知道汶川这个地方,更不用 说文县了。

  • Wen tingyun 's Ci poems are effeminate redolent with the fragrance of women .


  • My name is Liu Wen . I 'm twelve-year-old girl .

    我叫 刘雯,是一个十二岁的女孩。

  • WEN : Yes . I think I have given a fair assessment of the history of this person .

    我想我对他的历史 给以了公正的评价。

  • SHUO WEN JIE ZI can reveal the written theory in some degree ;


  • Wen : I will use a CPM technique to develop the plan .


  • Gou Jian believed the slanderous gossips about Wen and ordered Wen to kill himself .

    但太迟了, 勾践听信了别人对他的谣言,逼他自杀了。

  • May I introduce myself ? My name is Wen Wen lai .

    我能做个自我介绍吗?我叫 赖雯雯

  • A particular premise leads to a universal conclusion & this is Wen Hui Pao 's logic .

    个别性的前提得到了一个普遍性的结论,这就是 文汇报的逻辑。

  • King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty was a strong-willed man .


  • Since Ma Shi Wen Tong was published adverb has been a disputed parts of speech .

    摘要自从《 马氏 通》问世以来,副词便是一个颇有争议的词类。

  • Good morning this is Li Ming calling from Huaxun technology is this Wen sin information center ?

    早上好,我是 华讯科技的李明,这里市文新信息中心吗?

  • Wang Wen wrote an article to verify his ideas .


  • My family name is lee Wen Le is my given name .

    我的姓是李, 乐是我的名字。

  • Be off and come near & Discuss the influence of Christianism to Wen Yiduo and Hai zi

    离开与走近&论基督教影响下的 闻一多和海子

  • Chinese supermodel Liu Wen is still in shock over her history-making rise to fame .

    中国超级名模 刘雯仍然其名气的历史性上升而震惊。

  • Is that Mr. Clark ? This is Liu Wen speaking .


  • Wen Kang who wrote this novel has more or less the same life experience and feeling with Cao Xueqin .

    作者 康有着与曹雪芹大体相同的身世和感慨,其作品受《红楼梦》的影响也较深。

  • Wen Jiabao will go to the old one I do middleman you about reconciliation .

    一会到了老 家,我做中间人,你们和解一下。

  • Wen you are very handsome and kindness man I like you very much as well .


  • Be dressed in dark and Blue Ma Ku on his body of clip tunic title in the mouth is a cigar while walking Wen Wen but steady heavy is like a learned scholar very much .

    他的身上穿着一件暗蓝马裤呢的夹袍,嘴里衔一支雪茄,走路时 温文而稳重,很像是一个饱学的学者。