

威斯敏斯特(伦敦市的一个行政区,英国议会所在地) 议会,议会政治

  • Yet my main appeal is to Westminster not China .

    然而,我的主要诉求是针对 英国 议会,而不是中国的。

  • A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster .


  • Westminster Abbey is where many historic figures are buried .


  • Look everybody have you noticed the House of Parliament behind us and Westminster Abbey ?

    大家瞧,你们注意到我们身后的议会大厦和 威斯敏斯特大教堂了吗?

  • Westminster abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view .

    矗立在远处的 西敏寺构成了一处迷人的景色。

  • Alarm bells are beginning to sound at Westminster .


  • The ceremony took place Friday at Westminster Abbey in London .

    婚礼仪式周五在伦敦 威斯敏斯特教堂举行。

  • Tourists like to visit historic monuments such as Stonehenge and Westminster abbey .

    旅游者喜欢参观巨石阵和 威斯敏斯特大教堂之类的历史古迹。

  • Led by a verger a pancake is carried in procession from Westminster Abbey to the school .

    在一位教堂司事带领下,队伍端着一个薄饼从 威斯敏斯特教堂走到学校;

  • In1911 Britain 's King George the Fifth was crowned at Westminster Abbey .

    1911年,英国国王乔治五世在 威斯敏斯特教堂被授予皇冠。

  • Its headquarters will soon be relocated from Westminster to the Greenwich site .

    其总部很快将从 威斯敏斯特迁往格林尼治。

  • It feels good to be standing on Westminster Bridge against Houses of Parliment and Big Ben .

    站在 西敏 大桥上,背对英国议会大厦和大本钟,感觉还不错。

  • He might pass as a northerner in Westminster but he would be a southerner in Leeds .

    尽管他在 议会里还能冒充北方人,但到了利兹就是个南方人了。

  • He was buried at Westminster Abbey in London among other heroes of Britain .

    他被安葬在 威斯敏斯特教堂在伦敦,在英国的其他英雄。

  • Handel died in 1759 and was buried in Westminster Abbey .

    汉德尔于1759年逝世,葬在 威斯敏斯特大教堂。

  • This is Westminster Abbey .

    这是 威斯敏特教堂。

  • 1603 The funeral of Queen Elizabeth I took place at Westminster Abbey .

    伦敦 威斯敏斯特大教堂举行伊丽莎白一世女王葬礼。

  • Well miss westminster I have the papers all drawn up .


  • Few in Westminster doubt that the government will win the day .

    英国 议会中,几乎没有人对政府将会获胜存有怀疑。

  • In this image the photographer combined two famous London features : a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey .

    在这个图像,摄影师组合两个伦敦著名的容貌:伦敦出租车和 威斯敏斯特教堂。

  • The politicking at Westminster is extremely intense .


  • For the wedding television cameras entered Westminster Abbey for the first time .

    为拍摄婚礼,电视摄像机首次 搬进了 威斯敏斯特教堂。

  • You can still see the last surviving relic of the old palace of westminster .

    你仍能看到 威斯敏斯特旧宫的残存遗迹。

  • What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual .

    我们在 威斯敏斯特 教堂看到的是一种经年 不变的古旧仪式。

  • At present England Scotland Wales and N Ireland are all governed by Parliament in Westminster .

    目前英格兰,苏格兰,威尔士和北爱尔兰都是被 威斯敏斯特的国会管理。

  • This 's the famous Westminster Abbey .

    这就是著名的 威斯敏斯特大教堂。

  • The Archbishop began his address thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey .

    大主教在开始演讲之前,首先感谢 威斯敏斯特教堂的主教和全体教士邀请他来到这里。

  • The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass construction the size of Westminster Abbey .

    这座英式亭阁是令人赞叹的钢和玻璃建筑,大小和 威斯敏斯特教堂相当。

  • Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953

    伊丽莎白于1953年6月2日在 威斯敏斯特大教堂加冕。