wet shelf life

[wɛt ʃɛlf laɪf][wet ʃelf laif]

[电] 湿格寿命

  • Microwave sterilization and preservatives in wet raw noodle were studied in this paper to prolong its shelf life .

    本文利用微波杀菌和使用保鲜剂来延长 湿生面条的 货架

  • Store in the place where is dry and installed with ventilation equipment not in wet place shelf life is2 years .

    本产品常温下贮存在干燥、通风处、避免 潮湿,盐酸有效 贮存 为2年。

  • Due to the high moisture content ( 60 % ) in the fresh wet rice noodles in the storage period there is microbial corruption and is easy to bond together and retrogradation starch aging problems So the shelf life of the noodles is short .

    因鲜 湿米粉水分含量高(60%),成品保存后存在微生物腐败,还有易粘结成团、淀粉老化回生等问题,其 保质 短。