wet sand

[wɛt sænd][wet sænd]

[机] 湿砂

  • Children can play and make a scene with miniatures in dry or wet sand .

    儿童根据自己的意愿选择干 或是 湿 ,用微缩模型在沙盘中摆出一个场景。

  • It fell onto the wet sand then sank ( in ) .

    那个东西掉在 潮湿 沙子上,然后沉了下去。

  • The re bar net preliminary lining mould shotcrete and preliminary and anchor shotcrete are used for support by the use of the semi wet spraying method with sand entrapped in cement .

    钢筋骨架网衬砌模注砼及初期锚喷砼支护,采用水泥裹 湿式喷砼法;

  • The used sand characteristics and the properties of the dry reused sand and the wet reclaimed sand are compared combined with the different use requirements of supported sand and surface sand or single sand above new viewpoint has been tested .

    本文通过试验研究和比较 玻璃旧砂及其干法再生砂与 湿法再生 的性能特征,以及背砂、面砂(或单一砂)的使用要求,论证了上述观点的正确性。

  • The space between the two pots is filled with wet sand .

    两个罐子之间的空间充满了 湿 沙子

  • I felt so slow like I was running through wet sand & I couldn 't seem to get enough purchase from the concrete .

    我总觉得自己跑得太慢,仿佛自己正在 泥泞 沙地上奔跑一样&我似乎没法从水泥地上得到足够的支撑力。

  • The abrasive wear test with wet sand rubber wheel tester and the dynamic load impact wear test were taken to study materials wear characteristics under different wear way .

    为深入研究材料在各种磨损方式下的磨损特性,扩大该堆焊材料的应用范围,还进行了 湿 橡胶轮磨料磨损试验,动载冲击磨损试验。

  • The Study on Freezing Point of Wet Sand Under Loads

    有压条件下 湿 结冰温度的研究

  • Study on temperature wave decaying of wet sand layer of roof

    屋面 湿 砂层温度波衰减研究

  • The children shaped the wet sand .

    孩子们把 湿 沙子 成各种形状。

  • Its compressive strength is 0.94 1.14 kg / cm ~ 2 surface hardness 90 95 density ( compactability ) is larger than 1.59 g / cm ~ 3 . Mould strength is better than that of general wet sand moulding and approaches to that of high compressive molding .

    表面硬度90~95、型料紧实度>1.59克/厘米~3,高于普通 砂型,而接近于高压造型的铸型强度。

  • Another mountain of water came pushed me up the beach and I fell on the wet sand .

    又一个浪峰盖过来,把我推上了沙滩,我跌倒在 湿湿 沙地上。

  • For seeds storage cold storage and wet sand storage is better than others and wet sand storage is the best storage measure .

    低温冷藏和 湿 贮藏为较好的种子贮藏方式,以湿沙贮藏效果最佳;

  • The abrasive wear resistance was examined on the MLS-225 model wet sand / rubber wheel tester .

    用MLS-225型 湿 橡胶轮磨损试验机测试了涂层的抗磨粒磨损性能。

  • The Effects of Ambient Temperature and Sand Moisture on the Wet Tensile Strength of Moulding Sand

    环境温度与型砂水分对 型砂湿拉强度的影响

  • Summer is a man with his coat off wet sand between your toes the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise .

    夏日是赤裸着上身的男人,是浸入你脚趾间的 湿漉漉 沙子,夏日还是朝阳初升前一小时的那花园里的清香味。

  • She thought of the tide rushing in covering the wet sand

    她想象潮汐涌来,淹没 潮湿 沙滩

  • Dig down into the soil and you will find the wet sand .

    往土里深挖,你就会发现 湿 沙子

  • A new type Apparatus for the Measurement of Wet Tensile Strength of Green Sand

    新型湿 型砂 湿拉强度测试仪的研制

  • Like beach walkers leaving their vanishing prints in wet sand the huge dinosaur 's filled-in prints became invisible pit traps .

    就像走在沙滩上的人会把自己的“隐藏”在 湿湿 沙里一样,大型恐龙被泥填满的脚印也像“消失”在坑里一样。

  • Frictional angle of wet sand and HDPE interface is bigger than that of dry sand ;

    潮湿 砂土与HDPE膜接触面的摩擦角大于干燥砂土的;

  • He was so divine he was God so that when he walked along on the wet sand on the beach his feet didn 't leave footprints .

    他非常神圣,他是上帝,因此他走在 湿 沙滩上,不会留下脚印。

  • The flames or hot airs contact the wet sand directly the hot commutation is most thoroughly .

    该设备的最大特点是火焰或热气直接与 湿 接触,热交换最彻底,能耗最低,产量高。

  • The Effect of Compactibility and Wet Rubbing of Silica Sand on Mechanical Property of Cold-Setting Resin Sand

    紧实密度和 擦洗处理对冷硬树脂砂高温力学性能的影响

  • He was counting the ridges in the wet sand .

    他正在数 潮湿 沙地上的棱纹。

  • The fresh seeds stored in wet sand sprouted and the seeds stored in drying apparatus and dry sand had lower germination capacity and went mouldy .

    新鲜种子 湿 贮藏极易发芽,干砂及干燥器贮藏种子发芽率明显降低且易于霉变。

  • This study has put emphasis on the key role of three bottom interface in improving seismic data quality of desert area which are the wet sand bottom boundary layer the sand bottom interface and the bottom of Quaternary interface .

    首次提出并深化认识了三个面( 潮湿 底界面、沙层底界面、第四系底界面)在风成沙漠区和戈壁砾石区地震勘探中的关键作用。

  • For a bright glossy surface on your anodized part steel wool or wet sand it and then polish it with a buffing wheel using tripoli compound .

    需要明亮的光泽,则需要用钢丝球或者 湿 砂纸磨,之后用硅藻土抛光轮抛光。

  • Study of Coating Material on Casting Mold Using Wet Sand for Casting Copper and Copper Alloy

    铸造紫铜及铜合金的 湿 砂型模表面涂料的研究