wet strength

[wɛt strɛŋkθ][wet streŋθ]


  • Research and production practices indicate that the dosage of wet strength agent within 2.0 % is suitable ;

    研究与生产实践表明, 湿 剂用量控制在2.0%以内较为理想;

  • Tests and analyses Tencel fibre strength elongation performance raises that strength and modulus of Tencel fibre is more higher than that of Viscose fibre approaching Polyester fibre wet strength wet modulus lose of Tencel fibre is more lower than that of Viscose fibre .

    对Tencel纤维的强伸性能作了测试、分析,指出Tencel纤维的强度、模量比粘胶纤维高得多,接近于聚酯纤维,并且 湿 、湿模量损失较粘胶低得多。

  • The dry and wet strength and flexibility of paper will be improved significantly when add a little of the latex to the pulp before make into paper .

    在纸浆中添加少量该乳液即能明显改善纸张的干、 湿 强度和柔软度。

  • The application of traditional wet strength agent such as aldehyde is restricted because of its impact on environment .

    以醛类树脂为代表的传统 湿 剂因对环境有不良影响,应用受到限制。

  • This paper deals with the synthetic technology and hand sheet application of the repulpable wet strength agent .

    论述了损纸易回用 湿 剂的合成工艺及手抄纸的应用情况。

  • This paper describes the technical development and production of southern fruit cultivation bag paper in respect of raw material structure the usage of wet strength agent production technology control and test method of product quality etc.

    从原料结构、 湿 剂的使用、生产工艺控制、产品质量要求、产品检测方法等方面,阐述了南方育果袋纸的技术开发和生产应用。

  • Particularly wet strength increases significantly .

    尤其是纸板的 湿 强度提高幅度较大。

  • Study on Fluoroacrylate Copolymer Emulsions as Wet Strength Agent

    含氟丙烯酸酯乳液用于纸张 湿 剂的研究

  • Wet strength promoter improves the quality of the base paper of zinc oxide resin coated paper and lowers its production cost .

    在氧化锌版原纸生产中应用 湿 促进剂,提高了产品质量,降低了生产成本。

  • The influence of laccase and laccase-mediator system treatment on tensile strength wet strength in particular and brightness of unbleached kraft pulp was studied in this paper .

    研究了漆酶和漆酶/介体体系处理对未漂硫酸盐浆 强度和白度的影响。

  • Practical application study of wet strength performance of the kenaf based paper mulch where the chitosan was added into the pulp and also applied in surface sizing were carried out in this paper .

    通过内添加和表面施胶两种方法对红麻全秆地膜的 湿 性能进行了实际应用研究。

  • Improving Wet Strength of Paper by Modified Melamine-formaldehyde Resin

    改性三聚氰胺甲醛树脂提高纸张 湿 强度的研究

  • Wet strength of plywood which were made with UF resin adhesive reached the state standard ( more than 0.7MPa );

    用本次试验合成的UF胶粘剂压制胶合板, 湿 强度完全达到了国家标准要求, 湿剪切 强度≥0.7MPa;

  • It has been broadly used in different areas of pulp and paper industry such as deinking bleaching pulping treating waster water enhancing wet strength of paper and so on .

    漆酶是一种多酚氧化酶,参与木素的降解或聚合,具有氧化木素的能力,在制浆造纸中的应用已拓展到脱墨、漂白、制浆、废水处理、增加 湿 性能等诸多方面。

  • The adding point of wet strength agent will directly affect the wet strength of the product and the cost .

    湿 剂加入点的选择直接影响产品的湿强度和生产成本;

  • The product 's wet strength is achieved through use of a chemical compound that binds paper fibers together much the way cement binds bricks .

    该产品的 湿 是通过使用一种化合物将纸纤维粘合在一起而成,如同水泥将砖块粘合在一起。

  • The repulping of wet strength waste papers containing epoxy wet strength agents is difficult .

    使用了环氧类湿强剂的 湿 废纸存在再制浆困难的问题。

  • Effect of Crosslinking of Unbleached Soft KP Catalyzed by Laccase on Wet Strength of Paper and Change of Microstructure of Fiber

    漆酶催化交联对纸张 湿 强度及纤维微细结构的影响

  • The result showed that the dry and wet strength of the palm fibers treated were increased obviously .

    结果表明处理后的棕叶纤维的 湿 强度明显提高。

  • Rapid wet strength test method of fruit cultivation bag paper can be applied for production and quality control .

    采用生产快速检测方法检测育果袋纸的 湿 强度,可以满足生产及产品质量控制要求。

  • Analysis Methods of Wet Strength Resins and Disposal of Wet Strength Paper

    湿 树脂分析方法及湿强纸处理

  • Waterproof offset coated paper is required to have good waterproof property wet strength and printing property .

    在此条件下,可生产出既有一定抗水性和 湿 强度,又有较好适印性的防水铜版原纸。

  • Wet breaking strength increased obviously after crosslinking and the ratio of wet strength to dry strength increased by16.9 % while there was a little impact on thermostability .

    交联使纤维的湿断裂强度明显提高, 湿强度比可提高16.9%,但对纤维的热稳定性影响不大;

  • Study of Preparation and Action Mechanism of Epoxide-Modifying PEI Paper Wet Strength Agents

    环氧化聚乙烯亚胺纸张增 湿 剂的制备及增强机理研究

  • I 'm also concerned about their wet strength and water resistance .

    我也想了解 防渗 强度 水性。

  • The molar ratio increased from 1.75 to 2.6 the dry and wet strength increased 24 % and 17 % respectively . 3 .

    甲醛/苯酚的摩尔比从1.75增加到2.6,干状胶合 强度 湿状胶合 强度分别增加了24%和17%。

  • Study on Paper Wet Strength Agent of PAE Modified with Blocked Polyurethane

    封闭聚氨酯改性PAE纸张增 湿 剂的研究

  • The modified resin has the ideal effect on paper as wet strength agent .

    实验表明,改性氨基树脂对纸纤维具有理想的增 湿 效果。

  • At the same time prepressing property meet our needs wet strength have to achieve the state standard .

    在满足板坯预压性的同时胶合板的 湿 强度也必须达到国家标准。