




  • During the monsoon onset period the westerly jet becomes weaker due to its moving away from Gaize to the north .

    季风爆发阶段 西风急流逐渐离开改则地区并向高原北部移动,在该地区表现为减弱。

  • India is experiencing Loo winds hot and dry westerly gusts from Pakistan and northwest India which dries out the region according to CNN meteorologist Monica Garrett .

    根据CNN气象学家莫妮卡·加勒特说,印度正经历着来自印度西北部以及巴基斯坦又热又干的 西风,也就是洛风,导致气候干旱。

  • The prevailing westerly will reinstitute themselves along the new Equator curling away from the Equator as they do today and returning .

    沿着赤道处会再次出现盛行的 西风,和今日一样,从赤道处卷曲飘荡并返回来。

  • The relationships between Plateau Monsoon and 500 hPa Westerly Activities In Mid-latitude

    高原季风对500hPa中纬度 西风 活动的影响

  • However the westerly winds are not having the same effect on the Antarctic Peninsula and parts of the Western Antarctic ice sheet .

    然而 西风并未在南极半岛和部分西部南极冰盖造成相同影响。

  • The downward momentum transportation produced by the high-altitude westerly jet with the suitable vertical circulation is the main reason of the strong gale beyond general cold .

    高空 西风急流配合适合的垂直环流,产生动量下传,是超出一般强度的冷空气大风产生的原因;

  • Numerical Experiment of Effects of the Upper level Westerly Jet on a Torrential Rain over the Middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River

    高空 西风急流对长江中下游暴雨影响的数值试验

  • Westerly winds have strengthened since the1960s .

    20世纪60年代以来, 西风变得更强。

  • The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds .

    由于 西风盛行,这个城镇很凉爽。

  • They set out in a westerly direction along the riverbank .

    他们沿着河岸 向西出发了。

  • We were standing on the most westerly point of england .

    我们当时正站在英格兰的最 西端

  • The western arid zone in china is a region for interactions between westerly and monsoon climate and responds sensitively to global climate change .

    西部干旱区是 西风 气候和季风气候的相互作用区,对全球气候变化敏感响应。

  • You can can see the most westerly mountains from the coast .

    从海岸你可以看见最 西边的山脉。

  • Comparison of Annual Temperature Change Characteristics in Northwest Westerly Region and Eastern Monsoon Region

    西北 西风区与东部季风区年气温变化特征对比分析

  • Mid-latitude westerly winds have generally increased in both hemispheres .

    南北半球中纬度的 西风普遍增强。

  • Highresolution data from numerical model simulation are used to study the ageostrophic characteristics of shortterm process of East Asian subtropical westerly jet in summer .

    利用数值模式的高分辨率模拟结果研究了夏季东亚副热带 西风急流短期强度变化过程中的非地转平衡特征。

  • Warming on the Northwest westerly with the impact of winter temperatures

    气温变暖对西北 西风 冬季气温的影响分析

  • The prevailing westerly winds gave the battle advantage to the English admirals .

    盛行的 西风助了英国海军将领们的一臂之力。

  • In this paper discussed and analysed are the synoptic features of westerly wind burst ( WWB ) over the tropical western Pacific based on the intensive observation data of tTOGA-COARE .

    根据TOGA&COARE强化观测期间的资料,分析热带西太平洋 西风爆发(WWB)的天气型特征。

  • We began to steer away westerly - Daniel Defoe .

    我们开始 向西 航行-丹尼尔.笛福。

  • Whenever the weather forecast predicts northerly winds the winds are westerly in my place . why ?

    为什么天气预报说吹北风时,我居住地方的风向却是 西风

  • Relationship between the East Asia Subtropical Westerly Jet Anomaly and Summer Precipitation over Eastern China

    中国东部夏季降水与同期东亚副热带 流年 代际异常的关系

  • By contrast the more westerly Fed banks were a little more optimistic with Minneapolis Dallas and San Francisco all reporting moderate or modest growth .

    相比之下, 西部的储备银行更乐观一些,明尼阿波利斯、达拉斯和旧金山储备银行全都报告了“一般”或“小幅”的增长。

  • In advance or to the east of the MJO enhanced activity winds aloft are westerly .

    而在MJO的后面,或者是 西面,高空 是向东的,并且降水增强。

  • Under conditions of easterly flow therefore or very large westerly flow no vertical propagation will occur .

    所以在东向气流或很大的 西向气流的情况下,将不发生垂直传播。

  • A Numerical Study of the Effect of Anomalous Surface Heating in the Kuroshio Current Region in Winter on the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet

    冬季黑潮暖流区加热异常对东亚副热带 西风急流影响的数值研究

  • The results also show that the SST intraseasonal oscillation is closely related to the U-component of the wind which is in connection with the westerly burst .

    分析表明:南海水温季节内振荡与南海纬 向风分量u的振荡密切相关。

  • I 'm at the skating rink at westerly .

    我在卫斯特 利市的溜冰场。

  • Analysis of a Continuous Rainstorm in Hebi Influenced by Westerly Trough


  • The Relationship between East Asian Summer Monsoon Activity and Northward Jump of the Upper Westerly Jet Location

    东亚夏季风活动与东亚高空 西风急流位置北跳关系的研究