


  • I whole-heartedly agree that china 's history is extremely fascinating .

    中国的历史非常引人入胜。我 完全同意这个观点。

  • I agree whole-heartedly with paul .

    全心全意 赞同保罗的意见。

  • This Is It consisted of scenes of him rehearsing numbers sometimes whole-heartedly sometimes not at the Staples Center in Los Angeles .

    影片《就是这样》 记录了杰克逊 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心排练的场景&时而 全力以赴,时而 放松懒散。

  • You must devote to love whole-heartedly as if it is a compelling obligation you will fulfill voluntarily .

    爱的投入必须 全心全意,如同自愿履行一项不可推卸的职责。

  • He always applies himself whole-heartedly and indefatigably to the tasks given him .

    给他的任务他总是 全心全意不屈不挠地去完成。

  • We must do it whole-heartedly not half-heartedly .

    我们要 全心全意 做这件事,而不是半心半意。

  • A girly girl is someone who whole-heartedly embraces her femininity without sacrificing her personality or strength .

    妹子 全身 的享受她的女性气质,不会牺牲掉个人性格特色或优势。

  • By “ public servant ” we mean a cadre who serves the people whole-heartedly .

    所谓“公仆”,是指干部 全心全意 人民服务。

  • If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense .

    如果他们是 全身 心地投入了第二次童年就更 说得过去了。

  • I also sincerely hope that every pair of lovers in the world can get married like Irish people and love and protect each other whole-heartedly by committing themselves to a 100-year marriage .

    我也衷心希望世上每一对有情人能象爱尔兰人 那样终成眷属, 全心全意彼此爱护, 赴百年之约。

  • They never pursue self-interests but work whole-heartedly for the revolution .

    他们从不谋求私利,而是 一心一意 革命工作。

  • I 'm a consulting physician at County Child Services . Our consultancy center serves the people of all trades and professions whole-heartedly .

    我是州儿童服务中心的 精神咨询师本咨询中心 竭诚为各行各业人士服务。

  • Article 3 Public procurators must faithfully implement the Constitution and laws and serve the people whole-heartedly .

    第三条检察官必须忠实执行宪法和法律, 全心全意 人民服务。

  • Let 's insist on the comBination of commerce with industry domestic trade with foreign trade city with countryside and whole-heartedly serve the people .

    坚持贸易与实业相结合,内贸与外贸相结合,城市与农村相结合, 竭诚 人民服务。

  • Our consultancy center serves the people of all trades and professions whole-heartedly .

    本咨询中心 竭诚为各行各业人士 服务

  • They claim editorial coverage is cheaper to obtain and is believed more whole-heartedly than advertising copy .

    他们称,内容报道花费更低,而且比广告 文案 赢得信任。

  • A thing had happened to him that made him hate life and he hate it whole-heartedly with the abandon of a poet .

    他遭遇到的一件事使他憎恨人生,他以诗人的 恣意 任性全心全意 憎恨人生。

  • He demanded that he himself be fired with the spirit of whole-heartedly serving the people .

    他要求自己具备 全心全意为人民服务的精神。

  • The very instant you whole-heartedly turn away from every symptom of distrust and discouragement the blessed Holy Spirit will quicken your faith and inbreathe Divine strength into your soul .

    一等到你 全心离开不信和失望,圣灵立刻要复活你的信心,将属天的能力吹入你里面去。

  • Focus on economy and seek the development whole-heartedly .

    聚精会神 经济, 一心一意谋发展。

  • We must serve the people whole-heartedly as comrade Lei Feng did . In the last ten days the people throughout the country have made their will clear .

    我们要象雷锋同志一样 全心全意为人民服务。旬日以来,全国人民业已显示了自己的意志。

  • I hope each of you parents and students will whole-heartedly take part in our school 's activities !

    希望各位家长与同学 踊跃参与学校的活动。

  • We must serve the people whole-heartedly as Comrade Lei Feng did .

    我们要象雷锋同志一样 全心全意为人民服务。

  • The peasants are taking part in the movement whole-heartedly and in excellent order .

    农民是 那样 热情 而又很有秩序 加入这个运动。

  • Our country has need of many people who whole-heartedly serve the masses and the cause of socialism and who are determined to bring about changes .

    我们国家要有很多 诚心 人民服务、诚心为社会主义事业服务、立志改革的人。