wireless beacon

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈbikən][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈbi:kən]


  • Study of localization algorithm in wireless sensor networks based on optimal beacon selection

    基于 信标优化选择的 无线传感网络定位方法研究

  • The algorithm achieves node position by comprehensively considering all the global information of wireless sensor network based on principles of particle dynamics in Physics . It solves the low precision problem of existing rage-free positioning algorithms in which positioning process are completely based on beacon nodes .

    该算法根据物理学中质点动力学的相关原理综合考虑网络全局信息完成 节点定位过程,解决了现有的距离无关节点定位算法单纯依靠 信标节点进行定位运算定位误差较大的问题。

  • Wireless sensor network possess three characteristics which is the low proportion of the beacon nodes beacon nodes distributed unevenly and the limited communication radius . This leads the existing algorithms is not fit for the network with low ratio of beacon nodes .

    无线传感器网络具备 信标节点比例低、信标节点分布不均匀、通讯半径有限三个特征,这导致现有算法在信标节点比例低的网络中性能表现不佳。

  • Wireless sensor network nodes in the installation of beacons on the Beidou Positioning System devices and this has become Beidou beacon nodes .

    无线传感器网络中的信标节点装上北斗系统的定位装置,这样就变成了北斗 信标节点。

  • Node Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Mobile Beacon

    基于移动 信标 无线传感器网络节点定位

  • It realized the control of the exploding height by using the technique of wireless communication and calculating the altitude between the beacon project and function project due to the difference forces on them .

    信标 引信利用 无线电 数字通信的方法,通过 信标 子弹与功能子弹在空中受力情况不同而形成高度落差,实现了最佳起爆高度的控制。