weight sum

[wet sʌm][weit sʌm]


  • There are many extreme problems in surveying like the optimal distribution of weight optimal design of networks the method of least absolute sum etc.

    测量上有许多极值问题,如各种准则下的平差, 的最优分配,网的优化方案等,多可归于线性极值问题,且多不适用 寻常 数学解法。

  • The research methods of indicator weight and compounding are respectively systematic effect weight and weighted sum .

    指标权重的确定方法采用系统效应 权重法,指标合成采用 加权和法。

  • This paper proposes an algorithm of random maximum weight matching that resolves the problem while keeps a large sum of matching weight so as to preserve advantages of maximum weight matching .

    该文提出随机 赋权匹配算法以解决实时实现的问题,同时,使匹配的 权值依旧很大,保持了赋权匹配的优点。

  • The iterative arithmetic not only saves time and can apply to weight regression but also is easy to compute residual sum of square standardized error variance of coefficient and estimators residual .

    当P较大时,此算法非常节省计算量,不仅直观,简单,适用于 加权情况,而且便于计算其 残差平方 、回归系数的标准误、回归系数的方差和残差的估计。

  • This method adopts the method rebound and ultrasonic and estimates the strength with the weight sum .

    该方法采用回弹法和超声法两种方法检测,而后把两种方法的推定结果 加权 去推定强度。

  • Based on the factor of self-adaptive weight sum and self-adaptive penalty function a self-adaptive genetic algorithm is proposed and applied to solve multi-objective reactive power optimization .

    引入了自适应 权重 因子及自适应罚函数的概念,提出了一种自适应遗传算法,将其应用于多目标无功优化问题的求解中。

  • The error analysis results for A weighted noise frequency weight indicate that the sum of absolute error is less than 0.084 3 dB the sum of relative error is less than 1.25 % and the maximum relative error is less than 0.436 % .

    误差分析结果显示,用该方法进行A计权噪声频谱 计算的绝对误差 总和小于0.0843dB,相对误差总和小于1.25%,最大相对误差小于0.436%。

  • The research on nonlinear regression weight methods standard curve three periods ANOVA rank sum test was accomplished .

    完成了非线性拟合与 加权 计算方法、标准曲线、三周期方差分析、 检验等研究工作。

  • According to fuzzy mathematics principle this paper put forward high-quality wheat fuzzy synthetically judging method of three varied kinds information synthetically weight assign-varied coefficient weigh information amount weigh excellent from square sum weigh .

    根据模糊数学原理,提出优质小麦品质模糊综合评判的三种变异性信息 权重分配方法&变异系数赋权、信息量赋权与距优平方 赋权。

  • Taking the weight sum of precision of hitting target and the total length of the trajectory as a performance criterion we construct an optimal control model of the trajectory of horizontal wells .

    以入靶精度和总弧长的 加权 为性能指标,建立一个三维水平井轨道最优控制系统。

  • At each iteration the factor would be added to the solution to regulate the weight then the reciprocal of the sum of the solution and the factor will be given to next weight value .

    每次迭代得到的解都会加入一个具有调节 作用的因子,然后将其 倒数作为下一次迭代的 权值

  • Preference-based methods such as weight sum method and max-min method solve MOO problems by translating it into single objective optimization problems using preference information and getting one final solution .

    基于偏好的方法包括线性 加权法、极大极小法等,它们利用决策信息把多目标优化问题转化为单目标问题,然后再用数学规划求得一个最终解;

  • Then weight and sum the indicators standardization index and get the comprehensive index of innovation capability of SMEs of each area in Shandong Province .

    再用所得的指标标准化指数进行 加权和,最终得到山东省各地区中小企业创新能力的综合指数。

  • Application of Comprehensive Weight Method Based on Sum of Squares of Deviations in Evaluation of Water-saving Reconstruction Project in Irrigation District

    基于离差平方 的综合 赋权法在灌区节水改造评价中的应用研究

  • In this paper the multi-period dynamic combined investment of liquidity property is considered . We introduce a concept of muti-period optimal weight series matrix of dynamic combined investment . We can determine the optimal weight series matrix at suitable time series by minimizing errors square sum .

    本文针对流动性资产的多期动态组合投资问题进行研究,提出基于极小偏差平方 的多期动态组合投资最优权序列矩阵的概念,并给出确定最优 序列矩阵的方法 应用示例。

  • Then an evaluation using the weight sum method is defined .

    在此基础上, 引进 原有 偏差 指数,利用 加权 定义了 融合图像效果评价方法。

  • The molecular weight of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the constituent atoms .

    一种分子的分子 就是构成它的原子成分之原子量 总和

  • Expert investigation method was used to evaluate index weight . The weighted sum calculation model was used to calculate the comprehensive evaluated comfort result of office desks and chairs .

    通过专家调查法赋予评价指标 权重,采用加权 .型的计算模型,计算出办公桌椅舒适度的综合评价结果。

  • Texture features of the images are extracted from calculating the variogram function value and then a quantitative evaluation system is obtained using the texture features to weight sum of the singular value .

    通过计算变差函数值提取图像的纹理特征,并利用该特征对图像的奇异值 进行 加权,从而得到肝癌射频治疗的定量评价体系。

  • When the net has visited each pattern it sets the value of a weight object to this sum .

    当网络访问过每一个图案后,它将一个 权重对象的值设置为这个

  • Developing from the typical decision tree learning system IDS and using the idea of weight sum we did exploring research on the application of decision tree technology using weight entropy to get predicted attribute and division value in CRM of tourism industry .

    在典型的决策树学习系统ID3 之上,利用 加权 的思想,在对决策树技术(使用加权熵来获得预测属性和分裂值)在旅游CRM中应用上作了探索性研究。

  • Improvement and Application of Weight Sum Model in Armament Effectiveness Evaluation

    装备效能评估中 加权 模型的改进与应用

  • When the product of value and weight is positive it contributes to pushing the sum above zero .

    当值与 权重的乘积是正的时,它有助于促使 大于0。

  • Synthesis weight is based on the weighting sum of color weight and edge weight . We can adjust the coefficients of certain weights based on the characteristics of background and objects so as to adapt the changes of background and objects .

    综合 权值为基于颜色的权值和基于边缘的权值的加权 ,可以根据背景与目标的特征来调整不同的权值的系数,从而有效适应了背景和目标变化时的跟踪。

  • Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare ( the package weight ) . That 's to say it refers to the net weight plus the tare weight of the goods .

    毛重 商品本身的重量加上皮重(包装的重量),也就是净重和皮重的总重量。

  • Formula weight : Sum of the atomic weights of all atoms in a chemical formula .


  • If anyone finds our store failing to do Business honestly and giving short weight he shall get a sum of money By way of customer supervision reward .

    凡发现本店没能做到 秤平斗满,有 短斤缺两现象的,可得消费者监督奖。

  • According to modern decision theory and fuzzy mathematics judgement methods the following three multiple target optimum seeking methods to choose search and rescue ( SAR ) ships are studied : ( 1 ) Multiple attributive decision weight sum method ;

    根据现代决策理论和模糊数学评判方法,用3种多目标选优方法对搜救船舶选优进行探讨:(1)利用多属性决策 加权 法进行评判;

  • Using weight sum of translation and rotation the multi-objective problem is transformed into an equivalent problem which can be solved by using the simple target algorithm .

    采用了对平移和旋转 加权 的形式,将牙齿移动路径规划这个多目标问题转化为可利用单目标算法求解的等效问题,再利用多智能体进化算法对牙齿移动路径规划进行求解。