weight of evidence

[wet ʌv ˈɛvɪdəns][weit ɔv ˈevidəns]

[法] 有分量的证据,证据的效力,衡量证据的份量

  • I submit that full proof should be required . The jury be convince by the weight of the evidence against her

    陪审团认为指控她 有罪 证据很充分

  • The marks of evidentiary system are standard of proof based on weight of evidence and credibility rules based on competency of evidence .

    证据制度的标志应为以 证据证明力为支点的证明标准与以证据资格为支点 证据能力法则。

  • Corporal punishment must be abolished in trying criminals ; the stress must be on the weight of evidence and confessions should not be taken on trust .

    对任何犯人,应坚决废止肉刑, 证据而不轻信口供。

  • Analysis of Polygraph Conclusion from the Viewpoint of the Science of Evidence & Investigation Centered around the Value and the Weight of the Evidence

    证据学视野的测谎结论分析&以 证据价值和 证据能力为中心的考察

  • Such a procedure is in effect deciding upon the weight of the total evidence .

    实际上,这样的程序决定于全部 事实 资料 影响力

  • The verification results show that the effectiveness of the anomaly extraction . The weight of evidence metallogenic prediction model are use to forecast the rare earth mineralization in study area as evidence of the mineralization of remote sensing extract factors .

    验证结果表明了异常提取的有效性;通过不同模型比较,选择 证据 权重 ,以遥感提取的成矿信息为证据因子,建立成矿预测模型,并对研究区进行稀土成矿预测。

  • The author formulizes the relationship between the Weight of Evidence and the Subject of Proof the relationship between the Weight of Proof and the Evidence Regulations then gets the conclusion that it is though Free Self-confidence that judges decide the weight of evidences .

    作者通过 证据 证明力和证明主体、证据证明 和证据制度这两对关系的论述,为下文得出证据证明力判断的过程就是自由心证的过程这一结论做好了铺垫。

  • Notwithstanding the weight of the external evidence of these important authorities it is possible to adduce still more important testimony in favour of the authenticity of the passage .

    尽管 重量的外部 证据,这些重要的机关,是有可能援引但更重要的证词,在赞成的真实性通过。

  • The GIS-based weight of evidence ( WofE ) method was adopted for metallogenic prediction of new-type ore deposits .

    运用基于GIS的 证据 权重法,开展了新矿床类型的成矿预测。

  • With experiments we evaluate the performance of seven feature selection algorithms including Document Frequency Information Gain Expected Cross Entropy Mutual Information Weight of Evidence for Text CHI Odd Ratio .

    文中在大量实验的基础上对文档频率、信息增益、互信息、开方拟和检验、文本 证据 、期望交叉熵、优势率等七种文本特征选择方案进行了对比研究与分析。

  • Accountability Audit and Power Control & Motivation Analyses on Power Control by Audit ; The jury were convinced by the weight of the evidence against her .

    受托责任·审计·权力控制&审计对权力进行控制的动因分析陪审团认为指控她 有罪 证据充分

  • Chapter Four : Weight of proof of electronic evidence .

    分析电子 证据 作为 证据的资格问题。

  • A feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state-g.s.brett ; this weight of evidence is something mystical and unanalyzable-m.r.cohen .

    感觉是一种简单而又不可分解的精神状态 -g.s.布雷特; 证据的重要性是神秘不可解的-m.r.科恩。

  • A financial crisis does not change the weight of evidence .

    一次金融危机不会改变 依据 分量

  • Applying weight of evidence to perdict Pb-Zn potentiality in Ningnan region Sichuan

    证据 法在四川宁南地区铅锌成矿预测中的应用

  • The weight of the evidence has succeeded in gaining Medicare payment for rehabilitation services which has been one of our major hurdles to access .

    研究 成果使得肺康复治疗成功获取医疗拨款,该款项曾是我们进步的主要障碍。

  • Reflects weight of sound argument or evidence .

    体现可靠的立论或 证据 力量

  • Stress should be laid on the weight of evidence and on investigation and study and it is strictly forbidden to obtain confessions compulsion and to give them credence


  • The results reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry add to a weight of evidence on the health benefits of capsaicin .

    这项发表在《农业和食品化学期刊》上的非常新研究结果 进一步表示, 辣椒素对健康有很多益处。

  • His comments add to the weight of evidence that our addiction to technology and the snippets of information it provides is damaging our ability to apply our power of thought in a meaningful way .

    他的评论进一步 证明,对科技以及其提供的信息片断的依赖正严重破坏着人类的深入思考能力。

  • In addition to primary facts a case comprises indirect facts that lead to primary facts supplementary facts ( also referred to as auxiliary facts or evidentiary facts ) which are used to examine the competence and weight of evidence and procedural facts .

    案件事实除主要事实外,还包括推导主要事实根据的间接事实,确定 证据能力和 证明 的补助事实(辅助事实、证据事实)以及程序法事实。

  • Discussion of related problems will contribute not only to clarify the relationship between law and science but also to help judges judge the weight and admissibility of scientific evidence thus improve the accuracy and acceptability of factual findings .

    对这些相关问题的探讨,将有助于阐明法律与科学之间的关系,有助于法官应该如何审查判断科学 证据的可采 证明 ,从而提高事实认定的准确性与可接受性。

  • He acknowledges the weight of scientific evidence that places the blame on human action .

    他承认 科学 证据 价值,而科学把气候 变化归因于人类行为。

  • Then the concept of uncertainty measure of evidence was used to describe the uncertainty of evidence body and as a basis of determining the weight of evidence .

    然后通过引入证据的不确定性度量概念来描述证据的不确定性并以此为基础定义 证据 权重

  • But these arguments are now succumbing to sheer weight of evidence .

    但是这些说法在强有力的 证据面前正败下 来。

  • Weight of Evidence Method Based on SIG and Its Application on Evaluation on Mineral Resources

    基于SIG的 证据 法矿产资源评价及应用

  • On Proof Reliability and Weight of Evidence of Testimony Provided Before Court

    略论庭前供证的证明力与 证据能力

  • The current commonly used feature selection methods such as document frequency mutual information information gain expected cross entropy Chi-square statistic and weight of evidence for text have been studied in this thesis .

    本文详细研究了目前常用的特征提取方法,包括文档频数、互信息、信息增益、期望交叉熵、χ2统计量和文本 证据

  • Although debate continues the weight of the evidence indicates that governance makes a difference but is not the sole determinant of economic growth .

    虽然学界依然争辩不休,不过已有充 证据显示,尽管政府治理的良 关系重大,却并非经济成长的唯一决定性要素。