


  • The method of improving the precision of the photonic weigher has being found in theory .

    从理论上找到了提高光子 精度的方法。

  • The author introduces properties construction principles and application of the weigher and makes a comparison with the conventional pulverized coal feeder .

    本文介绍了 转子 的性能、构原理、用以及与传统的煤粉喂料机的比较。

  • Weigher can be selected to make convenience for production .

    称重 装置的选配给生产 管理带来了方便。

  • Electro-Belt Weigher in Serific Product Line of Baccy Based on PLC

    基于PLC的电子皮带 在烟草制丝生产线上的应用

  • It is also pointed out that the selection of belt conveyor with electronic belt weigher is also a very important issue .

    同时指出,选择 一条皮带输送机安装电子皮带 也是一个非常重要的问题。

  • EMC MW95 Belt Weigher Instrumentation is used to measure the flowrate of material carried by a belt conveyor .

    料控制系统是用于称量及控制物料流量和累计重量的 称量仪器。

  • The Application of Minimum Load in the Control of the Electronic Belt Weigher

    最小负荷在电子皮带 控制中的应用

  • A radio transmission and receiving scheme of electronic weigher signals is put forward and the principle component and applied circuit design are carefully described in the paper .

    本文提出了一种电子 信号无线发射与接收方案,并对该方案的实施原理、硬件构成和应用电路设计等进行了详细的分析与说明。

  • Application of Laser-nucleonic Belt Weigher in Fuel Delivery System of Thermal Power Plants

    激光-核子皮带 在热电厂燃料输送系统中的应用

  • Summary 〕 The rotor weigher is a new type of feed device for measuring pulverized coal weight which can satisfy the special demand for burners of modern cement rotary kilns .

    〔提要〕子 是能满足现代水泥窑燃烧器特殊要求的一种新型的煤粉测重喂料装置。

  • It combines the established Zenith bagger and new C1 multihead weigher mounted on the bagger itself with no requirement for a supporting gantry thereby reducing floor space requirements .

    它结合了既定的最高境界,新的C1巴格尔多头 ,安装在巴格尔本身没有要求支持龙门,从而减少了地面空间的要求。

  • The type selection construction and check of electronic track weigher in large metallurgical business are analyzed .

    对大型冶金企业 建造电子轨道 的型号选择、 土建施工及检定 几个方面进行了分析。

  • The research and application of measurement manage system about commercial coal belt weigher

    商品煤皮带 计量管理系统的研究与应用

  • This article narrates mechanism of load receptor of belt weigher and analyzes the relations and characteristics of direct stress and stress transformation .

    本文叙述了皮带 承载器机械结构,分析了直接受力和力转换的关系与特性。

  • An electronic car weigher of100tons is located at the entrance of the plant area to meet the requirement of raw material inlet and finished product outlet for weighing .

    在厂区大门入口处设置100吨电子汽车 一座,以满足原料运进及成品运出称量的需要。

  • Current situation and developing direction of electronic belt weigher

    电子皮带 的现状和发展动向

  • This article introduces we carry on the stress analysis under two conditions of weights-hoist and transporting materials when weights-hoist calibration about the single lever belt weigher .

    本文描述了单杠杆电子皮带 在挂码校准时,对挂码和输送物料两种状态进行受力分析。

  • Electronic weigher for quantified packing mainly consists of weighing body and electronic weighing and control system .

    定量包装电子 主要由秤体和电子称量控制系统组成。

  • With the application in fuel delivery system of power plants for instance the wide application prospect of the new belt weigher is illustrated .

    最后,以在发电厂燃料输送系统中的应用为例,说明了这种新型皮带 的广泛应用前景。

  • Materials in the feed hopper are discharged into empty bags then weighed by loaded pallet weigher ( standard weight1000kg );

    给料箱将物料送入空包装袋中,并利用垛盘电子 称重(标准重量1000公斤)。

  • The Failures Analysis and Trouble Shooting for Electronic Car Weigher Test

    电子汽车 检定 常见故障分析及排除 技巧

  • Something such as a vehicle structure or sandwich that has two decks floors or layers . Research on a New Method to Calculate the Belt Speed in Dual-channel Electronic Belt Weigher

    双层的带有双层的东西,如双层甲板或客舱的车船,双层地板的结构或双层的三明治双通道电子皮带 速度新算法的研究

  • Analysis of the Measuring Accuracy Influential Factors of the Coal Handling System Electronic Belt Weigher

    输煤系统电子皮带 计量准确度影响因素分析

  • Research on a New Method to Calculate the Belt Speed in Dual-channel Electronic Belt Weigher

    双通道电子皮带 速度新算法的研究

  • Simply describes the application of industrial TV system and micro-computer nucleon weigher system for monitoring in Wangzhuang Coal mine .

    简述工业电视系统、微机核子 系统、监测监控系统在王庄煤矿的应用。

  • Aiming at the shortcoming of these systems A craft of microcomputer proportioning system using belt weigher is advised several key problem to make the craft be implemented are also introduced .

    目前 大多数 饲料 生产 企业采用的是 分批 称量微机配料系统,针对这类系统的一些缺陷,本文提出了一种 连续带式 称量微机配料系统方案,介绍了使该方案获得成功的几个关键问题。

  • This paper introduces a practical dynamic rail weigher auto - weighing system by microcomputer control .

    本文介绍一种实用的微机控制动态轨道 自动称重系统。

  • Investigation on summation technique for electronic weigher and its application

    电子 和算技术的探讨及应用