weight lifting

[wet ˈlɪftɪŋ][weit ˈliftiŋ]


  • Research on the Closed Hydraulic Driving and Control System of Wheel Crane s Weight Lifting Operation ; Development on amplitude of variation working cylinder cad system of truck crane

    轮式起重机 作业闭式液压驱动与控制系统研究汽车起重机变幅油缸CAD系统的研制

  • Did you read that in weight lifting ?

    你在 举重的时候读到的吗?

  • You may want to add weight lifting to part of your program .

    你可能想将 举重增加到锻炼项目中。

  • My parents were watching the weight lifting match .

    那时爸妈正在看 举重比赛。

  • Exercise that stresses your muscles ( like weight lifting ) or creates an impact ( like jogging ) is best for keeping muscles strong .

    那些能够给肌肉以张力(比如 举重)或者产生冲量(比如慢跑)的锻炼对保持肌肉强壮是最好的。

  • China is a dominant nation in world weight lifting .

    中国是一个在世界上 举重 运动中占据领先地位的国家。

  • Was not unnecessary to lift barbell the heavy barbell to carry on again dies of exhaustion person 's weight lifting to practice .

    没有必要再举着沉重的杠铃进行累死人的 举重练习了。

  • It was there where I learn about weight lifting built my muscles and increased my weight .

    这是那里有我对 举重学习,建立我的肌肉和增加我的体重。

  • But I want to start today with a little weight lifting .

    但我今天想开始做一点 举重

  • The frequency optimization is to optimize the network has a role in the severity of the basic weight lifting work .

    其中频率优化是对网络优化有着 举重轻重作用的基础性工作。

  • His strength is a great asset to the weight lifting team .

    他的力量是 举重队的财富。

  • Worst still I found out the longer I do weight lifting the more veins popped out from my hands !

    更可怕的是,我发现我的时间越长 举重更静脉弹出从我手中!

  • Team member should register to the gym to participate in the weight lifting training .

    队员应到健身房报到参加 举重训练。

  • Weight lifting is both a competitive sport and training technique for athletes .


  • Context Clinical guidelines for breast cancer survivors without lymphedema advise against upper body exercise preventing them from obtaining established health benefits of weight lifting .

    临床指南建议无淋巴水肿的乳腺癌患者应避免上肢活动,这妨碍了她们从 举重中获益。

  • The author constructed a simple conte comes suggestive the predicament of a very big widespread presence if weight lifting is light ;

    作者构造了一个简单的小故事来影射一个很大、普遍存在的困境, 举重若轻

  • Swimming jogging weight lifting

    游泳,慢跑, 举重

  • Gait Planning in Weight Lifting for a Type of Humanoid Robot Are lifters divided into body-weight categories ?

    一种步行机器人举重 运动的步态规划 举重动运动员按体重分级吗?

  • I use the weight lifting regime and the rugby game as my biggest excuse .

    我用的是 举重制度和橄榄球比赛作为我最大的藉口。

  • Many of the Chinese medals were won in diving and gymnastics and also in events such as weight lifting and diving .

    许多奖牌是在跳水和体操中获得的,也有些是在下列项目诸如 举重和跳台比赛中获得。

  • It 's like weight lifting if you train with feather dusters your strength will not increase .

    这就像 举重 练习,如果你用鸡毛掸练习,你的力量就不会增强。

  • Weight lifting is best way to increase the bone density .

    举重 运动是最好增加骨质密度的方法。

  • The heel of weight lifting shoe not Ying Taigao can make knee joint burden overweight otherwise .


  • Meanwhile I work out every day pay special attention to boxing and weight lifting routine I have developed .

    同时,我每天的工作,特别注意拳击和 举重例行我有发展。

  • I had to do some running on the treadmill some sit ups push ups and some weight lifting .

    我必须在踏车上练习跑步,做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑和一些 举重测试。

  • They competed in basketball football swimming track and field boxing bicycling and weight lifting .

    他们参加了篮球,足球,游泳,田径,拳击,自行车和 举重等项目的比赛。

  • Sequential isometric contractions can be substituted for weight lifting .

    连续等距收缩可以取代 举重

  • I normally do my cardiovascular exercise after I finish my weight lifting routine .

    通常,我做我的心血管锻炼后,我完成我的 举重例程。

  • Weight lifting and stretching are also very important exercise but often being neglected .
