weld bead

[wɛld bid][weld bi:d]


  • Experimental design for weld bead quality control in laser beam welding

    激光 焊缝质量控制的试验设计研究

  • Fuzzy synthetical evaluation of weld bead stability for pulse MAG welding prototyping

    脉冲MAG堆焊成形 焊道稳定性模糊综合评价

  • Study on the Simulation Formula of Welding Thermal Cycles at Weld Bead Boundaries

    焊缝 熔合区焊接热循环模拟计算公式的研究

  • The experimental results show that the fatigue life of steel welded joints can be improved by grinding the weld bead especially for the higher strength steel .

    试验结果表明焊件的疲劳寿命可以通过打磨 焊缝得到改善,尤其对于高强度钢焊件。

  • The influence of the weld bead height arc dragging and hanging droplet on the arc igniting and stable were analyzed too .

    研究中还分析了 不同 焊道尺寸、电弧拖曳和喷嘴挂滴等诸多因素对复合双电弧起弧和稳弧的影响。

  • An optimized database system for control of weld bead shape of submerged arc welding on spiral pipes

    螺旋埋弧焊管 焊缝形状控制与优化数据库

  • Moreover the welding speed effects on the fish-scale spacing and the defocus distance on the weld bead penetration and weld width mainly .

    扫描速度对 焊缝表面的鱼鳞状条纹间距影响尤为明显;离焦量主要影响焊缝的宽度和 透性;

  • The results show that the current pattern has significant effects on the weld pool dynamics and weld bead shape in GTAW .

    研究表明,电流方式对GTAW焊接的熔池行为和 焊缝形状有重要的影响。

  • Metallographic analysis indicated that pulse electromagnetic force improved the crystalline state of weld bead refined the grain size and decreased the weld discontinuity . These all contribute to inhibit welding hot crack .

    金相分析表明,随焊电磁冲击改善了 焊缝 金属的结晶状态,细化了焊缝晶粒,减少了焊接缺欠,增强了抗热裂能力。

  • Analysis of Reason on Weld Bead Leakage Between Boiler Shell and Water Pipe

    锅筒与水管 连接 焊缝渗漏的原因分析

  • Localized heating from the welding process and subsequent rapid cooling induces welding shrinkage stresses along weld bead during welding thin-wall plate and causes structural buckling distortions .

    在薄板焊接中,由于局部加热和迅速冷却产生了沿 焊缝 方向的焊接收缩应力,而导致焊接薄板发生屈曲变形。

  • The gamma ray gives a specific solution for the problem encountered in inspection of small pipe weld bead .

    本文针对用γ射线检验小管径 焊缝时遇到的问题,提出具体的解决方法。

  • Experimental design and compatible analysis technique are used to investigate effects of laser beam process parameters on the weld bead geometry and back temperature in laser beam welding under certain laser beam conditions .

    本文采用试验设计方法研究了在一定激光束条件下,激光工艺参数对激光 焊缝 形状尺寸、背面温度等质量参数的定量影响,并建立了相关的数学模型。

  • Research on Properties of Welding Joint and Weld Bead Dimension by Twin-wire Submerge Arc Welding Procedure Submerged arc welding procedures of large-scale intersection and modeling of welding gun gesture

    双丝埋弧焊接头性能及 焊缝 几何尺寸研究大型相贯线埋弧焊接工艺研究及焊枪姿态建模

  • In GMAW welding process when the welding speed reaches a certain threshold there will be onset of weld bead undercut defects .

    在GMAW焊接过程中,当焊接速度达到某一临界值时会出现咬边缺陷,进一步提高 焊接速度就会产生驼峰 焊道

  • The welding salvage technique for large Al-alloy castings was presented in this paper . The design principle of casting technique for large Al-alloy castings choice of welding equipments weld repair technique and check rules of weld bead were suggested from the standpoint of weld repair .

    介绍了大型铝合金铸件的焊接修复技术,从焊补角度出发,提出了大型铝合金铸件的铸造工艺设计原则、焊接设备选择、焊补工艺及 焊缝检验规则。

  • The mathematical model of the global image spatters characteristics parameters and the weld bead width and the mathematical model of new spatters characteristics parameters and the weld bead width were established by BP neural network .

    应用BP神经网络建立全局图像飞溅特征参数与 焊缝宽度之间的数学模型以及新飞溅特征参数与焊缝宽度之间的数学模型。

  • In this paper the study of low cycle fatigue behavior of BHW-35 Steel material and weld bead using in fabrication of power plant boiler was introduced a few of important conclusion was suggested .

    本文介绍了对电站锅炉用BHW-35钢母材和 焊缝所进行的低周疲劳性能研究工作,提出了一些重要结论。

  • The experiments show that adaptive system is excellent in controlling weld bead for aluminium alloy TIG welding .

    试验结果表明,自适应控制方法可以实现对铝合金TIG 焊缝 成形的良好控制。

  • The concept of weld bead heat affected zone ( WBHAZ ) was proposed .

    提出了“ 焊道热影响区”的概念。

  • Using the heat of welding to vapour water cooling rates are lowered on the weld bead and heat - affected zone .

    利用焊接时的加热使水汽化,不仅使 焊道而且使热影响区的冷却速度减慢。

  • Abstract : a cavity is made on both sides of weld bead .

    文摘:在 焊道 表面两侧作一空腔。

  • The regularity of the weld bead displacement is deduced by analysing the stress of the square cup stamping .

    通过对盒形件拉深过程的应力分析,得到了 焊缝移动规律。

  • Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior on the BHW-35 Steel Material and Weld Bead

    BHW-35钢母材和 焊缝的应变疲劳性能

  • Prediction and Selection of Weld Bead Geometry


  • The experimental investigation of the influence of iron oxide skins on the groove surface on formating porosity was carried out in one-side semiautomatic CO_2 welding . The macro and micro structure of the one-side weld bead was analyzed by means of OM SEM EDX and XRD .

    本文就坡口上的氧化铁皮对CO2半自动陶质衬垫单面 气孔 倾向的影响进行了试验研究,利用X射线检测、OM、SEM、EDX和XRD等方法对 焊道进行了宏观及徽观分析。

  • The Stress Analysis of T Shape Multi as welded Joints Weld Bead

    T型接头多次补 焊缝的应力分析

  • Aiming at the different penetration modes of pulsed GTAW with wire filler the problems of controlling the topside and backside weld bead shape are proposed .

    针对填丝脉冲GTAW过程的不同熔透状态,提出了 焊缝正面和反面的成形控制问题。

  • The sum average and proportion based on different threshold of new spatters in different welding regions were calculated to study the variation rule of the characteristic parameters of new spatters combining with the weld bead width .

    对不同焊接区域的新飞溅特征参数进行统计,计算新飞溅特征参数在不同区域下特征值的总和、平均值和基于不同阈值下的百分比,结合 焊缝宽度分析新飞溅特征参数变化规律。