


  • Based on the Hamiltonian system 's theory the relationship between closed-loop poles of system characteristic equation and weighting matrices was thoroughly investigated .

    根据哈密尔顿系统理论,深入研究了系统特征方程的闭环极点和 加权矩阵的关系,给出了 希望 加权矩阵的 确定 方法

  • Using the random weighting method its approximating distribution which is more precise than normal approximation is obtained .

    研究了一类有渐近展开分布的逼近问题,应用随机 加权法给出了比正态逼近精度更高的模拟分布。

  • Based on the neutron energy the value of weighting factor was given .

    根据中子能量给出了相应的 辐射 权重因子的数值。

  • The most suitable pixel to be modified is found quickly by simple weighting method when necessary .

    必要时可藉由简单的 权重 衡量法快速的找出最适合被修改的像素。

  • This paper studied the synchronizability of asymmetrical weighted aging scale free networks using both normalized weighting method and non-normalized weighting method .

    应用归一化 加权和非归一化加权两种不对称加权方法对老化无标度网络的同步能力进行了研究。

  • The tests and teacher assessments have equal weighting .

    考试成绩和老师的评定 一半 权重

  • A Weighting phase then uses a special function to calculate the cost of each host and sorts the results .

    然后, Weighting加权)阶段使用了一个特殊的函数来计算每个主机的成本,并对结果进行排序。

  • The main weighting error sources were also discussed and weighting accuracy was improved by the digital signal processing .

    同时分析了产生 称重误差的根本原因,采用了数字信号处理手段来提高动态汽车衡的称重精度。

  • The form pagination process is based on a weighting system .

    窗体分页过程基于一个 权重系统。

  • To solve the problem we propose an improved weighting method namely relative weighting method .

    针对该缺点,本文提出了一种改进型 加权方法,即相对数值加权方法。

  • At the same time confirm the weighting coefficient by the statistical method .

    同时在 权重确定问题上,利用统计方法,解决了目前过 的利用专家经验的问题。

  • More complex methods such as frequency weighting and frequency normalization go beyond the scope of this article .

    更复杂的方法,比如频率 加权和频率归一化,超出了本文范畴。

  • The properties of x order average function with weighting are given in this paper .

    构造了在 函数 连续情况下的一个平均函数,证明了该平均函数的若干性质。

  • Only a criterion of judgment and a system of weighting are needed .

    只需要一套判断的标准和 比重的制度。

  • A new microphone array of singular-value weighting beamforming ( SWBF ) algorithm for speech enhancement is proposed .

    提出了一种基于奇异值 加权的麦克风阵列波束形成算法。

  • The intervals of main roof weighting at work faces were predicted by using artificial neural network .

    利用人工神经元网络对工作面的顶板 进行了预测。

  • English Chinese and math currently have the same weighting .

    目前英语、语文和数学的 分值相同。

  • The paper discusses some questions of multi-factor weighting in dam safety analysis .

    本文针对大坝安全评价的多因素 赋权问题进行了研究。

  • The name field is given ultimate priority in our score weighting scheme .

    分数 加权方案中给name字段评定了最高优先级。

  • Assign each attribute a weighting representing how important the attribute is relative to the other attributes .

    为每个属性分配一个 权重,表示该属性相对于其他属性的重要程度。

  • Selection of weighting and use of a complex regression equation should be justified .


  • For example In most system the weighting coefficient value of total score set to .

    例如,在大多数系统中,总分的 权重系数值设为。

  • Optionally if you 're using one of the weighted algorithms fill in the weighting fields .

    如果您正在使用一种加权算法,则可选择填写 加权字段。

  • Order components were extracted in time domain by constructing weighting least square adaptive filter .

    通过构造 加权最小二乘自适应滤波器,实现了各阶比成分在时域中提取。

  • I get an extra £ 2 London weighting .

    我每年得到 2英镑的伦敦地区额外津贴。

  • The Determination of Feedback Matrix and Weighting Matrix for Optimum Control According to Stability Requirements

    按稳定性要求确定最优控制中的反馈矩阵和 矩阵

  • A new application of genetic algorithm in FIR filter with weighting Chebyshev optimal approximation method is presented .

    介绍了一种遗传算法在FIR数字滤波器设计& 加权切比雪夫最佳逼近准则优化设计方法中的应用。

  • Index weight was calculated through combination weighting approach of subjective and objective evaluation method of analytic hierarchy process and entropy method combination .

    通过层次分析法与熵值法相结合的主客观 赋权组合评价方法,对其指标权重进行了计算。

  • A method using adaptive digital filtering for improving weighting precision was presented .

    提出了一种用自适应数字滤波来提高 称重精度的方法。

  • The relations between the closed-loop and the weighting matrix Q in the quadratic performance index are analysed in this paper .

    本文分析了闭环极点与二次型性能指标中的 加权矩阵Q之间的关系。