
[ˈhwʊpi, ˈwʊpi, ˈhwupi, ˈwu-][wʊˈpi:]



  • Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack have a robust tussle with your spouse .

    与其睡前吃一碗冰淇淋不如和你的配偶来一场激烈 运动

  • Whoopee whoopee whoopee we 've got a robin .

    好极 ,好极了,好极了,我们有一辆罗宾。

  • Whoopee here we go !


  • I can have a lie in tomorrow . Whoopee !

    我明天能睡懒觉了, 哈哈

  • There are also theories of dialogues focus on the interactive action between reader and the work and whoopee theories which focus on the world .

    围绕读者与作品互动的有对话理论,围绕世界的有 狂欢 理论。

  • I have a whoopee and I have a but .

    有一个好 消息还有一个 消息

  • B : Big whoopee ! I 've had all the Kenny dolls for months .

    了不起 !所有的肯尼玩偶,我好几个月前就已经有了。