win up

[wɪn ʌp][win ʌp]


  • Even in liberal Singapore Mr Fernandes has been rebuffed in his attempts to win a licence to set up an operating base .

    fernandes先生想在新加坡 获取许可证, 建立运行点,甚至连这个自由国度也一口回绝了。

  • Analysis on 2004 China International Quit & Win and its Follow up Survey after One Month

    2004年中国国际戒烟 竞赛及一月 随访的结果分析

  • They win because they refuse to give up .

    他们之所以 成功在于他们楔而不

  • One of the big three mobile computing giants – Google apple or Microsoft - could win big by picking up a loser : the once great BlackBerry .

    谷歌(Google)、苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)这三大巨头,不管 能收购一度如日中天、如今却落花流水的黑莓手机(Blackberry),谁就能借此 如虎添翼

  • Enlarge the rice area gradually advance rice yield and quality increase the farmer 's income make Neimenggu rice win up a new step again .

    逐步扩大全区水稻面积,提高水稻产量和质量,增加农民收入,使 内蒙古水稻 产业一个新台阶。

  • Although rocky didn 't win he certainly put up a good show .

    尽管罗克没有 获胜,但他确实表现不错。

  • Finally believing that the nation was sure to win the poet set up the flag of belief reconstruction .

    诗人最终以民族 必胜的信心 扬起了信仰重构之旗。

  • The win sets us up perfectly for the match in Belgium .

    胜利为我们在比利时的比赛 鼓足了劲儿。

  • Win + Shift + Up Arrow and Win + Shift + Down Arrow : Maximizes and restores the vertical size of a window .


  • In the European elections parties of the far right and the far left are likely to win up to 30 per cent of the seats .

    在欧洲议会的选举中,极右和极左政党可能 赢得 至多30%的席位。

  • This is the most difficult match-up but it 's possible to win if you don 't mess up .

    这是最困难得情况,但是如果您不 砸得话,还是有可能 赢得

  • The way we win is we get up and down real quick .

    我们 的方法就是快速 起落

  • Win + Up / Down maximizes and restores down the current window so long as that window has the option to be maximized .

    Win键+ /下箭头能分别最大化和还原当前窗口,在窗口存在最大化选项时有效。

  • No one will win me by showing up around how she beautiful is .

    没有人会 赢得周围展示她如何漂亮是我。

  • Centre-right parties were expected to remain the largest single group in the 736-seat parliament but far right nationalist and anti-EU parties looked set to win up to 50 seats .

    在拥有736个席位的欧洲议会,预计中间偏右派政党仍将是最大的单一集团,但极右派、民族主义和反欧盟政党看上去也有望 获得 最多50个席位。

  • This win pushes the Rossoneri up to11 points in the classifications .

    比赛 胜利使得红黑军团积分 达到 11分。

  • Well we got us another really good win last night up in snowy New Jersey .

    昨晚我们在下大雪的新泽西 了一场漂亮的 比赛

  • The statistics show the proportion to win is20 % up without Raul .

    去看看数据,没有 劳尔的国家 胜率20%。

  • I believe you can always win every battle-just show up with a good performance .

    我相信只要你 拿出一个好表现,你就能能 下每一场比赛!

  • We will win or die give up or run no one is going .

    我们将 取得 胜利或是死亡,但没有人会选择 投降或逃跑。

  • We can chalk that win up to a lot of luck .

    我们可以 那次 胜利归因于好运十足。

  • Federer fell to his knees as if humbled by the momentous win only to get up and win his 15th just weeks later at Wimbledon .

    当时的费德勒跪倒在地,仿佛为这巨大的 胜利惊呆了。而在几周后的温布尔登赛场 ,他又再获佳绩,拿下 第15个大满贯。

  • Win always comes up first then the following will be the lose .

    输后,丢掉的不可能 重新 获得 的也不可能一辈子拥有!

  • A Goran supporter parliament member sirwan Zahawi said his bloc could win up to 35 seats in the 111 seat Kurdish Parliament .

    反对派支持者议会议员泽哈维说,他的集团可能在库尔德议会111个席位中“ 赢得 多达35个席位”。

  • The argument that Business School researchers have to play the game to win tenure also does not add up .

    商学院研究人员为了 获得终身教职必须遵守游戏规则的说法同样是 无稽之谈

  • Indeed Buffett can win the game before ever stepping up to bat .

    的确,巴菲特不费吹灰之力就能在交易中 大获全胜