wet lung

[wɛt lʌŋ][wet lʌŋ]


  • Clinical analysis of 51 cases of wet lung disease

    新生儿 湿 症51例临床分析

  • Conclusion : the CT manifestation of wet lung disease of neonatal has some features that can provide image evidences but also are available for the assessment of treatment effects .

    结论:新生儿 湿 的CT表现有一定特点,可为临床诊断提供重要影像学依据,同时评估疗效和预后有一定意义。

  • Analysis of the Treatment of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury with Wet Lung in 23 Cases

    重型颅脑损伤合并创伤性 湿 23例救治分析

  • Clinical Research on Treatment of Severe Traumatic Wet Lung Using Pressure Controlled Ventilation

    压力控制通气治疗重症创伤性 湿 的临床研究

  • The wet / dry ratio of lung lung permeability index and neutrophil percentage in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid ( BALF ) were detected .

    功能指标包括血氧分压、 湿干重比、肺通透性指数、支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中白细胞计数和分类;

  • The Spiral CT Diagnosis of Wet Lung Disease of Neonatal ( A Report of 15 Cases )

    新生儿 湿 症的螺旋CT诊断(附15例报告)

  • Method w_664 Clinical data of 52 cases with traumatic wet lung in severe brain injury in our hospital were analysed retrospectively corresponding pathology and treatments were studied .

    方法对52例重型颅脑损伤合并创伤性 湿 患者临床资料进行回顾分析,结合文献,对其病理基础及治疗方法进行讨论。

  • X-ray Diagnosis of the Wet Lung in Newborn

    新生儿 湿 肺病X线诊断

  • The clinical and X-ray analyse of 31 cases with traumatic wet lung

    31例创伤性 湿 的临床及X线分析

  • Results The CT features of wet lung were : ( 1 ) thickening roughening and blurring of the shadow of pulmonary blood vessels in 15 cases ;

    结果CT表现为:(1) 血管影增 、增粗、模糊15例;

  • Results showed that : In LPS rats ratio of wet / dry lung weight protein content in BALF and pulmonary permeability index were obviously increased ( P < 0.001 ) .

    发现:注LPS后 湿干重量比,肺泡灌洗液中蛋白含量及肺血管通透指数均升高(均P<001);

  • Assistance of furosemide in treating wet lung of the newborn Auxiliary treatments with inhaling the aerosol of furosemide for 30 infants with bronchiolitis

    呋塞米佐治新生儿 湿 疗效观察速尿雾化吸入辅助治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎30例

  • Methods : A retrospective analysis of clinical x-ray and CT scan data of 40 patients with traumatic wet lung was made all cases took x-ray photography and 30 cases took CT scan .

    方法对40例创伤性 湿 患者的影像学表现进行了回顾性分析。全组病例均有胸部X线摄片检查,其中30例作了CT扫描检查。

  • Traumatic wet lung and flail chest appeared in 135 and 41 patients respectively .

    263例并发血气胸,创伤性 湿 135例,连枷胸41例。

  • Analysis of clinical X-ray diagnosis in neonatal wet lung syndrome

    新生儿 湿 综合征的临床X线诊断分析

  • X-ray Analysis of 276 Cases of Traumatic Wet Lung of Coal Miners

    276例煤工创伤性 湿 的X线分析

  • The ratio of wet and dry lung ( W / D ) the activity of lung myeloperoxidase ( MPO ) and the level of GM-CSF at various times were analyzed .

    分别予胰炎合剂和乌司他丁治疗,分析各组不同时间点 湿干重比(W/D)、肺髓过氧化酶活性(Myeloperxidase,MPO)、肺组织GM-CSF水平变化。

  • Furthermore compliance was decreased to 47 % of the normal value and wet weight of right lung / body weight ratio increased to 137 % of the normal value .

    肺顺应性跌至正常值的47%,右 湿重/体重比值相当于正常值的137%;

  • Conclusion Mechanical ventilation joint scopolamine is one of the effective ways in the clinical treatment of severe traumatic wet lung .

    结论机械通气结合纤支镜治疗严重创伤性 湿 有较好的疗效。

  • Results : The alveolar pulmonary interstitium effusion engorgement emphysema are the main appearances of chest films for wet lung disease of neonatal .

    结果:肺泡及肺间质积液、肺淤血、肺气肿等是新生儿 湿 症的重要X线征象。

  • Results : On CT contusion and laceration of lung were found in 61 cases hematoma of lung in 10 cases traumatic wet lung in 5 cases and cyst of lung in 2 cases .

    结果:CT表现为肺挫裂伤61例,肺血肿10例,创伤性 湿 5例,肺囊肿2例。

  • Conclusions CT offers a reliable basis for early diagnosis protocol making and therapeutic evaluation of traumatic wet lung .

    结论CT可为创伤性 湿 早期诊断、制定治疗方案及观察疗效提供可靠依据。

  • This paper report clinical informations of one hundred cases of traumatic wet lung .

    本文报告100例创伤性 湿 的临床资料。

  • Methods The clinical manifestations and CT findings of 15 wet lung disease of neonatal . Collected from November 1998 to November 2003 were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法回顾性分析了本院近5年来经临床诊断、对症治疗并有完整CT资料的新生儿 湿 症15例;

  • Objective To study CT findings of wet lung disease of neonatal and to analyze pathogenesis so that improve-our understanding .

    目的探讨新生儿 湿 症的CT征象特点,分析其发病机制,提高对该病的认识。

  • Objective : To study the X-ray diagnosis of wet lung in newborn .

    目的:研究新生儿 湿 肺病X线诊断。

  • Conclusions : Furosemide assistance treatment is effectual in clinical treatment on wet lung of the newborn .

    结论:呋塞米佐治新生儿 湿 有确切疗效。

  • Methods CT features of traumatic wet lung in 60 cases were retrospectively analyzed and summarized .

    方法回顾性分析了60例创伤性 湿 病人的螺旋CT资料,观察其CT征象,并加以总结。

  • As to wet / dry lung weight ratio and lung water group ⅰ got 4.91 ± 0.20 79.56 ± 0.79 % ;


  • The wet to dry ratio of lung : The ratio was not different among groups .

    组织 湿干重比( W/D):各组间 组织W/D无明显差异。