

vt.& vi.嫁,娶,(与…)结婚

  • But first wed like to introduce you to trumpet player Gabriel Johnson .

    但首先, 我们想向您介绍的小号演奏者加布里埃尔约翰逊。

  • The couple wed late at night in front of just nine guests

    深夜这对情侣在仅有的9位宾客面前 举行婚礼

  • You made that promise when we wed .

    你在 婚礼上答应过我。

  • With this ring I do thee wed .

    这个戒指 代表了我的 婚姻

  • I am not magic just unlucky to met he on the wed night .

    我本想 诅咒他, 算了反正我不是 魔法师,运气不好,碰上他是我倒霉了。

  • My father wrote that he would find some southron lord to wed me but he never did .

    我父亲写信回来说他会找一个南方领主 我,可是他没机会了。

  • His cousin was about to wed .

    他表弟要 结婚了。

  • But tonight I wed your brother dear John .

    亲爱的约翰 ,今晚我 你的兄弟 成婚

  • She received the blessing of her parents to wed oliver .

    奥利弗 结婚得到了父母的祝福。

  • Wed like to invite four of you to our village .


  • They were wed at Amiens last August

    他们去年8月在亚眠 结婚

  • Charles Darwin wed his cousin Emma and spawned 10 children including four brilliant scientists .

    查尔斯·达尔文与其表妹爱玛 结合,养育了10个子女,其中有四位杰出的科学家。

  • Dionysus and Ariadne were wed .

    狄奥尼索斯和阿里阿德涅 结婚了。

  • And tonight I wed another Dear John .

    今晚我 嫁给另一个约翰。

  • You 've found love and you are wed .

    你们找到了真爱, 结成 姻缘

  • A year later they got wed .


  • He has a daughter who was about to marry the man she loved but whose family now will not allow him to wed the daughter of a ruined man ;

    他还有一个女儿,快要和她所爱的人结婚了,但那人的家庭现在不许他 一个破产人家的女儿。

  • Deciding to wed a commoner she gave up her royal title and became Lady Patricia Ramsay .

    在决定 一个指挥官 结婚那一刻,她放弃了自己的皇室头衔,变成了PatriciaRamsay女士。

  • He thought me too poor to wed his sister .

    他认为我太穷, 不配 他的妹妹。

  • That 's prime marriage time but I hope brides will not choose that time to wed .

    这是黄金结婚了,但我希望新娘不会选择到 结婚的时间。

  • If you did wed my sister for her wealth .

    我姊姊倘 为了 贪图财富。

  • You promised me to wed .

    你曾答应 我。

  • We were both nineteen when we wed .

    我们 结婚时我俩都是19岁。

  • Wed imagine its all a joke right ?


  • Outsiders who wed islanders are given only three years ' right of abode at first .

    岛外的人 岛民 结婚之初只能获得三年的居住权。

  • Why did you wed your daughter to that terrible man ?

    你为什么把女儿 嫁给那个可怕的男人?

  • So tell me darling do you wish wed fall in love ?

    告诉我,亲爱的,你希望 我相爱吗?

  • With this ring as a token of my love and affection I thee wed .

    以这枚戒指作为我的爱的象征,与 结合

  • In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim

    1952年她 嫁给了电影导演罗杰·瓦丹。