Weber-Fechner law


  • The perceptual characteristics of color 's Hue Saturation and Value ( HSV ) were studied . To measure the information carried by different colors a function was proposed by virtue of Weber-Fechner law and the hexagonal-pyramid model of HSV color space .

    对颜色视觉感知特性进行了研究,利用HSV空间和 Weber-Fechner 定律分别讨论了颜色的亮度、色调和饱和度三个分量对主观感知的影响,综合这三方面的影响构造了一种颜色主观信息量函数。

  • Moreover the deadline of a negotiator is dynamically modified by the Weber-Fechner law throughout the negotiation .

    另外,在 协商 开始 遵循 韦伯 - 费希纳 定律对协商最后期限进行修正。

  • Assessment of Landscape Environmental Quality Based on Weber-Fechner 's Law

    韦伯 - 费希纳 定律 评价模型在景观环境质量评价中的应用