working language

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]


  • Engish is used as a very useful working language .

    英语被用作为一种很有用的 工作 语言

  • As a global working language of business communication business English has attracted much attention among people .

    商务英语是全球商务沟通的 工作 语言,它在业内已经引起了人们的重视。

  • The translation skills can be conveyed through the coordination and combination of the language and the translation is restricted by legal culture in the working language .

    其翻译技巧就表现在语言和内容的有机协调、组合,并受制于他所 使用 语言的法律文化。

  • English is widely used in the world it is the official working language of the United Nations .

    英语在世界各地广泛使用,这是正式的 工作 语言的联合国。

  • Analyses the complex data structure and complicated data type of CAPP and adopts the object-oriented way to organize the data structure of CaPP and applys C + + Programming Language as the working language of part information model .

    分析CAPP系统的数据结构和数据类型的复杂性,采用面向对象的方法组织 CAPP系统的数据结构。

  • Many Western universities are becoming highly international with visiting scholars students and professors from all around the world and their common working language is English .

    很多西方国家的大学正高度国际化,来访奖学金,来自于全世界的学生和教授,和一般以英文为 语言 工作者

  • There 's no other language with the role English has had and still does in international communications as a working language Mr Shen said .

    申钢说:在国际交流中,没有任何一 语言可以作为 工作 语言,同英语相提并论,之前是这样,现在亦是如此。

  • A working language English .

    一个 工作 语言为英语。

  • The working language on Forum is Chinese and English simultaneous interpretation on site .

    论坛使用中文和英语作为 工作 语言,现场同声传译。

  • Good Command of English could use English as working language .

    有较好的英语听说读写能力,英语可以作为 工作 语言

  • Arabic is the common language of Arab nation and one of working language in the United Nations .

    阿拉伯语是世界上最古老、最富生命力的语言之一,是阿拉伯民族的共同语言,是22个阿拉伯国家的官方语言,也是联合国的 工作 语言之一。

  • The design expression is a working language of the designer .

    产品设计表达是设计师的 工作 语言

  • As a kind of English for special purpose Maritime English is the working language in shipping industry so how to polish their English skills is essential for the staff .

    作为一种特殊用途英语的海事英语是航运业的 工作 语言,对于从事该行业的人来说,如何学好海事英语至关重要。

  • English is the working language of most international organisations international trade and tourism .

    英语是国际组织、国际贸易和旅游业的 工作 语言

  • Pages should be written in the official working language of the committee .

    意向条的书写需要符合该委员会的 工作 语言要求。

  • English shall be used as the formal working language in the procedure of arbitration .

    仲裁程序的正式 工作 语言应是英语。

  • The working language of the forum is English . Simultaneous interpretation will be provides on site .

    论坛 工作 语言为英语,会议现场将提供中英文同声传译服务。

  • Be able to use English as working language fluent written English .

    能够以英语为 工作 语言,流利书面英语。

  • English is widely used for communication nowadays as an international working language .

    作为一门国际性 语言,英语被广泛用于国际交流。

  • The increasing international cooperation requires talents who have knowledge and experience in international rules and who can use English as a working language .

    不断加强的国际合作需要既懂国际规则又能 熟练运用 英语的国际化人才。

  • A copy of the applicable instrument in English or the working language of the ship should be carried on board and should be accessible to seafarers .

    适用文件的英文或船上 工作 语言的副本应随船携带并使船员能够使用。

  • Mandarin is the working language in China but if the candidate has a certain technical skill set or management expertise that can outweigh the language limitations .

    普通话是中国的 工作 语言,但如果候选人拥有某套专业技能或管理技能,我们可以忽视语言方面的不足。

  • And it is the working language of a growing number of international companies & a big reason why so many of them choose London for their headquarters .

    同时,英语还是越来越多的跨国公司的 工作 语言&而这也是许多跨国公司选择伦敦作为总部的一个很大的原因。

  • And then by means of explaining simple and characteristic difficult problems of artificial intelligence like tower of Hanoi and robot travelling in a labyrinth it shows the importance of LISP as a working language in the theoretical research and application of artificial intelligence .

    其次,通过解梵塔和机器人走迷宫这类简单而又典型的人工智能难题,说明作为人工智能 工作 语言的LISP在该科学领域的理论研究和应用中的重要性。

  • English is the official language of the European Central Bank and the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN .

    英语作为官方语言,欧洲中央银行和亚洲 工作 语言的贸易组织,页-。

  • English is a little bit like the working language in multicultural working environments says Daniel 21 .

    21岁的丹尼尔说:英语有点像多文化工作环境中的 工作 语言

  • The working language of the Bank shall be English and the Bank shall rely on the English text of this Agreement for all decisions and for interpretations under Article 54 .

    银行的 工作 语言为英语,银行在做出所有决定和依照本协定第五十四条规定进行解释时,应以本协定英语文本为准。

  • English has developed into the working language of most international organizations international trade and tourism .

    当今世界,英语已成为一种广泛运用的国际 工作 语言

  • English has been designated as the working language in singapore and hence the most important medium in communication here .

    我国是以英文为 工作 语文,也是最重要的媒介语。

  • With English becoming more and more the working language in academic circles there has been an increased need for Asian teachers to become familiar with Anglo-American communicating styles .

    在国际学术圈,英语越来越是个 共用 语言,亚洲老师也因此需要熟悉英美式英语的沟通模式。