


  • A wintry wind was blowing .


  • The fields have frosted over in this wintry morning .

    在这 寒冷的早晨田野里覆盖着一层霜。

  • We went out and up the street . It was cold and wintry .

    我们出门上了街。街上又寒冷又 冷落

  • I love crisp wintry days when you wrap up in cosy winter clothes .

    我喜欢 清冽 冬日,可以裹着舒适的冬衣。

  • The sun slid behind trees its last light diffused by wintry branches .

    太阳躲到了树后,余晖 透过 冬日的树枝洒落下来。

  • Watching her work a wintry street with her husband .

    看着她与丈夫 冬天的街道上 拉票

  • Sundays were dreary days in that wintry season .

    在那 严寒的季节,星期天是个悲哀的日子。

  • It has particularly great lighting effects which add to the cold wintry feel of Greenland .

    它有着尤其突出的光影效果,这给格陵兰岛 上了 冬季 寒冷 荒凉 面纱

  • It looks like this wintry weather is here to stay .

    看上 好像这 冬天 特有的天气要持续下去了。

  • I find it very difficult to get going these wintry mornings .

    我现在在这些 寒冷的早晨很难开始工作。

  • The first wintry storm roars through the forest .

    第一次 冬季的风暴在森林中狂啸而过。

  • It 's the east-coast turn to get a taste of bad wintry blast that had been hiting middle west .

    中西部地区一直遭受恶劣的 寒风侵袭之后,现在又轮到东部海岸地区来品尝它的滋味了。

  • The day was cold and dark and wintry and the stone of the houses looked cold .

    那天天冷,天色又暗,一片 冬天 景象房屋的石头,看起来也是寒冷的。

  • Will that turn a sticky summer into a turbulent autumn ? And then produce a wintry real economy hit ?

    这会让一个闷热的 酷夏变成一个多事之秋,然后再进入一个实体经济受创的 严冬吗?

  • It is now Day5 on this train journey across wintry Siberia .

    这已经是穿越 冬季西伯利亚的火车旅行的第五天了。

  • Like the sun from a wintry sky .


  • In the heart of winter the northern lights crossing the night sky in green waves and the blue dusk of wintry evenings add a sense of mystique to the Lappish winter .

    隆冬时节,绿波形的北极光穿过夜空和 萧索的蓝色黄昏,为XXX的冬季增添了一丝神秘。

  • Then he turned to the crowd stretching into the distance on a cold wintry day .

    然后,他转向了在寒冷 冬日里一直绵延到远处的人群。

  • Scattered wintry showers are likely in the north .

    北部将有零星的 寒冷阵雨。

  • He was according to witnesses extremely wintry with Her Royal Highness .

    据目击者称,他对女王殿下极其 冷淡

  • Our wintry skies can become so overcast that we might not see the sun for serveral days .


  • It felt wintry cold that day .

    那天感觉 冬天 一样寒冷。

  • This morning when I first caught sight of the unfamiliar whitened world I could not help wishing that we had snow oftener that English winters were more wintry .

    这天早晨当我看到这陌生的白茫茫世界时,我不禁希望英格兰的冬天能更 寒冷 一些,希望我们这里雪能下得更经常 一些

  • A wintry blast is bringing cold air down and dumping up to a foot of snow on some parts of the region .

    寒冷的强风给这里的部分地区带来了冷空气和一英尺的 降雪。

  • This wintry weather thou wilt overtake It was cool and they were putting on their capes .

    战胜这 冬日阴冷的气候,夜里阴冷,他们都穿上了披风。

  • A wintry sky and the broken street light cold wind .


  • The steel traps of wintry Russia . I mean you really think this looks good ?

    毛皮 还是 寒冷的俄罗斯 偷运 的,你真的觉得好看吗?

  • Wintry weather continues to sweep across Britain


  • I say again have we sought this country of a rugged soil and wintry sky ?

    我再问一遍,我们 为什么来到这个土地不平、 气候 寒冷的国度?

  • Snowshoe tracks and footprints diverge in the middle of a wintry central Minnesota field .

    在明尼苏达一块 寒冷的雪地中,雪靴的痕迹和脚印各行其道。