wireless device

[ˈwaɪrlɪs dɪˈvaɪs][ˈwaɪəlɪs diˈvais]


  • A reference print is then accessed through the memory in the wireless device carried by the customer .

    接着,通过由客户携带的 无线 设备中的存储器访问参考照片。

  • Answer this wireless device with the installation of simple powerful stable and reliable and so on .

    无线 抢答 具有安装操作简单,功能强大,稳定可靠等优点。

  • Recognizing and Authenticating the Wireless Device SBS SBS Management Network

    识别和验证 网络 设备

  • The wireless device enables mesh networking between laptops for information sharing and cooperation .

    无线 设备使不同膝上型电脑间的网状网络连接成为可能,可用来进行信息共享和协作。

  • Based on discussing the open characteristic of remote field upgrade of embedded wireless mobile device and presenting the difference between wireless device upgrade and wire device upgrade the aggregate of upgrade models suitable for wireless mobile device is put forward .

    在讨论嵌入式 无线移动设备远程现场升级的开放性,并与有线设备 升级进行差异比较的基础上,提出与无线移动设备相适应的升级模式集合。

  • Each wireless device generally runs a browser to display received information .

    每一 无线 设备通常要运行一个浏览器来显示接收到的信息。

  • Wireless device adopts the advanced wireless transmission technology to transmit data to the control cabin so as to achieve remote monitor to assure the security of construction .

    无线传输与显示 装置采用先进的无线技术,将测量数据传输至控制室,达到远程实时监测的目的,确保施工安全。

  • And through WAP digital mobile phone and other wireless device users could promptly and securely access Internet .

    通过WAP,数字移动电话以及其他 无线 设备用户将能快速、安全地访问Internet。

  • Answer wireless device Answer devices as an electronic products has long been widely used in a variety of occasions intelligence and knowledge competitions .

    抢答 作为一种电子产品,早已广泛应用于各种智力和知识竞赛场合。

  • Both standard and custom IMD solutions are available in stamped metal flex cable and ceramic enabling Bluetooth technology to be quickly implemented in any wireless device .

    两个标准和习惯IMD的解决方案可在邮票的金属,陶瓷,使弯曲电缆及蓝牙技术迅速透过任何 无线 设备

  • The J2ME is a Java platform designed for wireless device ( such as mobile telephone ) and embedded system . They are based on J2SE .

    而J2ME是为手机等 无线通信 设备而设计的Java平台,其定位是在嵌入式系统的应用上,它们都是以J2SE为基准的。

  • This article explains possible methods for testing incremental redundancy and wireless device receiver performance .

    本文阐述了测试冗余递增和 无线 器件接收机性能可采用的方法。

  • The system takes private protocol and SNMP to achieve the communication between the wireless device and the management system .

    系统利用私有协议和SNMP协议实现 无线 设备与管理系统之间的通信。

  • People who eventually could benefit from a wireless device that converts thoughts into computer-spoken spoken words include those paralyzed by stroke Lou Gehrig 's disease and trauma Greger says .

    Greger说,能够最终从“大脑想法&电脑发声语言” 无线转换 设备受益的人包括:中风瘫痪病人、肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症病人与外伤病人。

  • The customer is then issued a wireless device the wireless device having memory .

    客户接着被发给一 无线 设备,无线设备有存储器。

  • Another point : This part demonstrates how to implement canonicalization and digest calculation algorithms in a memory restrained wireless device .

    另一个要点:此部分说明了如何在内存受约束的 无线 设备中实现规范化和摘要计算算法。

  • This section describes the process when a wireless device requests a mobile application with the use of a wireless application server in the network .

    这一节描述 网络 设备通过使用网络中的应用程序服务器请求某一移动应用程序的过程。

  • These parked vehicles have wireless device and high volume battery and can easily participate in vehicular communications and serve as stationary routers to store and forward data packets .

    这些停放车辆具有 无线 通信 设备和高容量汽车电池,可以很容易地加入到车用自组织网络通信中来,并像静态路由器一样中继和转发数据包。

  • In a given wireless network the energy of the wireless device ( node ) is often limited .

    在无线网中, 无线 设备(节点)的能量往往是有限的。

  • Surrounded by other concentrator or wireless device with the same frequency at the same time to work often the consequence of two devices can not communicate normally .

    当一个集中器工作时,如果周围有其它集中器或 无线 设备以相同频率同时在工作的话,通常的后果是两台设备都无法进行正常通讯。

  • These limitations modify how the Internet can be accessed from a wireless device .

    这些限制改变了从 无线 设备访问Internet的方式。

  • Berrycasting is broadcasting audio or video content to a Blackberry wireless device equipped with media player software by means of the RIM network .

    梅播是向黑梅 无线 设备广播音频或视频内容,这些设备通过RIM网络配备了媒体播放软件。

  • The ability to integrate with filter in the antenna can significantly relax the requirements imposed upon the filtering electronics within the wireless device .

    通过把天线与滤波器结合的方法,可以有效地减小 无线电 系统对滤波设备的需求。

  • The system collects and transmits data through a wireless device module communicates with the host through the serial port . Power managements collect data through the host computer to realize the power remote wireless meter reading function .

    该系统通过 无线 终端模块采集和传输数据,通过串口与主机通信,供电管理部门通过上位机(PC机)收集数据,实现电力远程无线抄表的功能。

  • An Indian chess player has been banned for10 years for cheating after he was caught using his mobile phone 's wireless device to win games chess officials said on Wednesday .

    印度国际象棋协会的官员12月27日表示,该国一名国际象棋选手因为在比赛中使用手机 蓝牙 装置作弊而被该组织给予禁赛10年的处罚。

  • Back in the Network Settings screen select your wireless device as the default gateway device .

    回到网络设置窗口,选择你的 无线 网卡为默认的网关设备。

  • However you also make it easy for anyone with a wireless device to gain access to your network .

    不过,您也可以很容易为任何一个 无线 装置,以获得您的网络。

  • The wireless device can be trained by the user to distinguish between subtle thoughts and feelings such as expressions of shock or even a grimace .

    用户应该先训练 无线 设备识别微妙的思想和感情,比如震惊乃至鬼脸的表达。