wireless television

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈteliˌviʒən]


  • The Wireless Broadcast Television Monitoring Network of Shanxi Province

    山西省 无线广播 电视监测网

  • Multiuser detection deals with demodulation of the mutually interfering digital streams of information that occur in areas such as wireless communications high-speed data transmission satellite communication digital television and magnetic recording .

    基于阵列天线的多用户识别涉及数字信息流相互干扰的信息解调,通常应用在如 无线通信,高速数据传输,卫星通信,数字 电视和磁记录等领域。

  • Rapid development of a new media industry has brought many changes transformations and combinations of many kinds of industries which are based on the Internet wireless networks digital broadcasting and television networks .

    新媒体产业的迅速崛起带动了基于互联网、 无线网络、数字广播 电视等网络基础上众多产业的变革、转型和融合。

  • Single frequency network ( SFN ) as a transmission carrier for the digital signals of wireless radio and television can greatly improve the spectrum utilization ratio under the environment where the frequency resources are scarce .

    单频网作为 无线广播 电视数字信号的传输载体,在当今频率资源稀缺的大环境下,可以大大提高频谱利用率。

  • As one of the most influential television media TVB is the first commercial wireless television station in Hong Kong and its program has made profound influence in the entire Southeast Asia .

    TVB作为全球最有影响力之一的电视媒体,是全港首家商营 无线 电视台,其制作的节目在整个东南亚地区都有着深远的影响。

  • Several times each class Cheit 's students answer his questions using handheld wireless devices that resemble television remote controls .

    每堂课都会有几次提问,Cheit的学生们使用类似 电视遥控器的手持 无线装置回答他的问题。

  • Now mobile Internet is a structure a wireless IP network that is made up of the television networks wireless cellular networks wireless networks wireless LANs Bluetooth with short-range applications and fixed wired network .

    如今的移动互联网是一个由 电视网络、无线蜂窝网络、无线局域网、短距离应用的蓝牙系统和固定的有线网络为一体的结构,是一个具有 无线IP的网络。

  • Wireless communication receiver applies widely in so many areas such as wireless communication television broadcast radar satellite communications and so on .

    无线通信接收机覆盖了 无线电通信、 电视广播、无线电广播、雷达定位、 遥测 遥控、卫星通信以及 移动通信系统等各个领域。

  • Within the industry of the TV build in broadcasting and TV industry grouping under the wired wireless drive that amalgamate thousands of television channels set up at present of TV station above large and medium cities begin to be optimized and recombined .

    就电视业界内部而言,在广电业集团化建设、有线、 无线合并的带动下,大中城市以上的电视台目前所设置的数以千计的 电视频道开始进行优化重组。

  • This paper introduces the system structure system function construction scale design conception of the Wireless Broadcast Television Monitoring Network of Shanxi Province and puts forward the technical requirements of the data processing system of Shanxi Monitoring Center .

    介绍了山西省 无线广播 电视监测网系统的系统结构、系统功能、建设规模、设计思路,以及山西省监测中心数据处理系统的技术要求。

  • Both AT & T and Verizon say they are continuing to hire workers in growing areas such as wireless and their nascent television services .

    AT&T和Verizon都表示,正在增长的业务部门仍在继续招聘员工,如 无线和新兴的 电视服务领域。

  • Currently in the Russian television structure wireless television occupies the dominant position while cable and satellite television develop rather slowly .

    目前,在俄罗斯的电视结构中, 无线 电视占据主导地位,有线电视与卫星电视发展缓慢;

  • Both Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ( QAM ) and Low Density Parity Check Code ( LDPC ) are widely used in such fields as wireless communication wired television transmission and satellite communication .

    正交幅度调制(QAM)和低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)技术应用于很广泛的领域,如 无线通信、有线 电视传输、卫星通信等领域。

  • Mobile radio set Wireless devices include cell phones two-way radios remote garage-door openers television remote controls and GPS receivers .

    无线设备包括行动电话、双向无线电、遥控车库门开启装置、 电视遥控器,以及全球定位系统接收器

  • The application of three-dimensional microwave and millimeter wave integrated circuits spreads nearly all over the wireless applications including mobile communications satellite communications wireless cable television wireless local area network ( LAN ) vehicular radar and so on .

    三维空间微波、毫米波集成电路可预见的商业应用领域遍及各种无线应用场合,包括移动通信、卫星通信、 无线电视、无线局域网和车载雷达等。

  • New Structure of Wireless Broadcasting & television Information Network

    无线 广电信息网的新构成方式

  • The development of wireless local area network ( WLAN ) has been growing rapidly . It is widely used not only among the portable electronic products but also in fixed electronic products such as flat-screen television and digital picture frame .

    无线局域网技术在近十年得到了迅猛的发展,它不仅广泛应用在便携式电子产品中,而且也逐渐应用在固定式电子产品如平板 电视、数码相框中。

  • Design and Implementation of Coverage Quality Measurement System for Wireless Radio and Television Signals

    无线广播 电视覆盖效果测量系统的设计与实现

  • Smart antenna technology which improves the signal quality and controls interferes has an increasing application in multicast scenarios nowadays such as wireless digital television systems and trunking communication systems .

    随着技术的发展,智能天线越来越多地应用于多播场景中,以提高信号质量、降低干扰,从而为 无线数字 电视、集群通信等系统提供支持。

  • By joining forces the companies believe they can develop integrated products for telecoms operators vying to sell a quadruple play of fixed-line broadband internet wireless and television .

    通过合作,两家公司认为能够针对电信运营商开发综合类产品,力争在固定线路、宽带网络、 无线 电视 业务等方面将销售翻两番。