wireless telephone

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈtɛləˌfon][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈtelifəun]

[电] 无线电话

  • Wireless Telephone Remote-Control Circuit Design Based on STC SCM

    基于STC12C5412AD单片机的 无线 电话遥控电路设计

  • PHS ( Personal Handy-Phone System ) is the easy name of the wireless telephone . It is a kind of personal access system attached to the settled telephone which could realize wireless covering by micro comb technology .

    PHS是 无线 市话的简称(俗称小灵通),它是一种依附现有固定电话网络采用微蜂窝技术实现无线覆盖的个人接入系统。

  • The Design of the Auto Switch Device for Wireless Telephone Inter-network Based on State Chart

    基于状态图的 无线 电话网间转接装置设计

  • Commodity : Embroidered satin mini skirts double-channel super-short-wave wireless telephone

    货名:绣花缎超短裙双工超短波 无线 电话机

  • As a wireless mobile telephone it 's easy and handy to call wherever one goes and call the one however far away he is .

    作为一个 无线移动 电话,它的简单和方便的调用的地方去和调用,但远他。

  • Monitoring system of wireless mobile telephone

    无线 网络 手机监测系统的方案设计

  • Research of Wireless urban telephone system

    无线 市话系统的研究

  • WTLS is originally designed for WAP but it will be widely used in wireless communication between wireless terminals ( such as wireless PDA GPRS or CDMA wireless telephone ) .

    无线传输层安全协议(WTLS)原来是被专门设计与WAP传输协议配套使用的,但它将广泛用于无线终端(如无线PDA、GPRS、 CDMA 手机等)之间的安全通信。

  • Realize based on the network equipment resource management of e-maps network program and network cover effect analysis network operation data analysis and such function 2 handle database technology using computer information establish local wireless telephone operation maintenance produce management system .

    实现基于电子地图的网络设备资源管理、网络规划、网络覆盖效果分析、网络运行数据分析等功能。2、利用计算机信息处理、数据库技术,建立 无线 市话运行维护生产管理系统。

  • Komet rib wrap pattern socks double-channel super-short-wave wireless telephone

    双针筒罗纹吊线短袜双工超短波 无线 电话机

  • Radio Paging Self Test Systems The Design and Realization of the Wireless Telephone Automatic Answering instrument

    无线寻呼自检系统电台 自检应答仪的设计与实现

  • Double-channel super-short-wave wireless telephone double wire crosstalk suppression filter

    双工超短波 无线 电话机双线串音抑制滤波器

  • The platform of ARM and μ C / OS - ⅱ is applied in the development of fixed wireless telephone and the development of main task module in fixed wireless telephone is introduced in this paper .

    将ARM处理器和μC/OS-Ⅱ应用到 无线 固话的开发中,阐述了无线固话的主任务模块的开发。

  • A cell phone that uses the wireless hotspot from the shoe would use much less power than if connected to a wireless telephone network .

    一部手机,从鞋使用的无线“热点”,会比使用功率要少得多,如果连接到一个 无线 电话网络。

  • Strategic Research of XN Group 's Fixed Wireless Telephone Terminal

    XN集团 无线 固话终端的战略分析

  • In which include local wireless telephone equipment management and local wireless telephone operation data analyses handling local wireless telephone check management and such content .

    其中包括 无线 市话设备管理、无线市话运行数据分析处理、无线市话考核管理等内容。

  • In 2002 the fixed wireless telephone terminal market startup formally when the policy on the fixed wireless telephone business being confirmed and China Mobile and China Unicom having joined in the competition .

    2002年,随着信息产业部关于无线固话终端业务的政策明朗,中国移动、中国联通等移动通信运营商加入该业务的市场竞争, 无线 固话终端市场正式启动。

  • In 1948 the British port of Liverpool first port radar combined with wireless telephone guide the ship in the fog in success .

    1948年英国利物浦港首次用港口雷达结合 无线 电话引导船舶在雾中进港获得成功。

  • The Design and Realization of the Wireless Telephone Automatic Answering instrument

    电台 自检应答仪的设计与实现

  • The design of Wireless Data-transmit System is based on the research of building wireless net in intelligent home which to build a home-wireless communication network and the core is the master of digital wireless telephone .

    无线数据传输系统是建立在研究智能住宅无线网络 通信 系统的基础上,以数字 无绳 电话的主机为核心建立起的一种家庭无线通信网络。

  • STEVE EMBER : Experts say the wireless telephone has changed lives and businesses more than any other device .

    史蒂夫·恩伯:专家称 无线 电话比任何设备都更有力地改变了人们的生活方式和商业运作方式。

  • It is now possible to connect a computer with a wireless telephone that can link with communications satellites .

    如今,将电脑与 无线 电话连接也成为可能, 无线 电话再与通信卫星相连接。

  • A Wireless Telephone Analyzer

    单片机控制的 无绳 电话综合分析仪

  • Analysis and Application about Optimization in Wireless Local Telephone Network

    无线 市话网络优化的分析与应用

  • This paper introduces the background and application model of wireless application protocol then discusses the wireless data services particularly the wireless telephone application .

    介绍无线应用协议产生的背景和应用模型,并对其所提供的增值数据业务(尤其是 无线 电话应用)进行分析和探讨。

  • The land-mobile-telecommunication gets a rapid progress in . recent years the popularization rate of cell mobile telephone wireless telephone Beep-Pager and the relative technology is very high in the developed country but it can only covers the city area its distance is limited .

    近年来地面移动通信发展十分迅速,蜂窝移动电话、 无绳 电话、寻呼机及相关技术在工业化国家普及率已相当高,但它仅能覆盖业务密集的城市地区,距离十分有限。

  • In this paper the network optimization methods for paging-area unit is presented . This method has been applied in wireless telephone network in the Zhengzhou city the good results of network optimization to every PA has been obtained .

    本文主要研究以寻呼区为单位的网络优化方法,并将该方法应用于郑州市 无线 市话网络,其结果表明,通过对每一PA实施网络优化后,整个系统基本达到预期目标。

  • Development of Main Task Module in μ C / OS - ⅱ - based Fixed Wireless Telephone

    基于μC/OS-Ⅱ的 无线 固话主任务模块的开发

  • Based on the development background and market competition structure of the fixed wireless telephone terminal industry the article analyzes the competition status and core competition strength of the fixed wireless telephone business in XN Group and its competition strategy .

    本文正是基于中国 无线 固话终端的行业发展背景和市场竞争格局,通过分析XN集团的无线固话业务在市场中的竞争地位和核心竞争力,构建XN集团面向未来的竞争战略。

  • The Greens ' wireless telephone is ready for a call .

    格林家里的 无线 电话做好了通话准备。