win clear

[wɪn klɪr][win kliə]


  • By this way our study will win clear object and pertinency so that it is not only theoretical but also practical .

    这样,对文学思潮研究对象与方法的考察就 获得明确的对象性与针对性,对这一根本问题的体认与阐释也就能够同时具备理论与实践的双重品格。

  • If the sentiment may be divided the victory and defeat I did not know whether she can win but I am very clear from the very beginning I lost .

    如果感情可以分胜负的话,我不知道她是否会 ,但是我很 清楚,从一开始,我就输了。

  • Some predicted a Klitschko win either by clear cut decision or late technical knockout after punishing Solis .

    有人预测 克里钦科 ,要么是点数或后期的技术性击倒在惩罚索利斯之后。

  • Needing to win by two clear goals to escape dropping to the country 's B league River managed only a1-1 draw .

    这次比赛中,河床俱乐部必须 赢得两个 进球才能避免降为国家二流俱乐部的命运,然而他们只是获得了1:1的平局。

  • We need to win by a clear majority .

    我们要以 明显的多数 获胜

  • Evra who played his part as United recorded a3-1 second-leg win 4-1 on aggregate said United 's superiority was clear .

    埃弗拉在3-1击败阿森纳并以 4-1的总比分晋级的 比赛中完成了自己的工作,说曼联的优势很 明显

  • According to most opinion polls he is set to win a clear majority

    从大多数民意调查的结果来看,他很有可能以 绝对多数票 胜出

  • Last year Foxconn was one of six bidders to win a 4G telecoms licence in Taiwan in a clear sign of plans to diversify .

    去年,富士康 成为 赢得台湾4G电信运营牌照的六个竞标者之一,这是一个 明确迹象,说明该公司计划将业务多元化。

  • Although we have proven that we can compete with the brand names and win every time it is also clear that the fields are ready to harvest .

    但是,我们 证明了我们的产品能够和品牌竞争,而且 我们每次都能比过对手。

  • In this complex environment enterprises are to win the competition it must be clear and appropriate corporate strategies .

    在这种复杂多变的环境下,企业要想在激烈的竞争中 取得 胜利,就必须要有 明确而适当的企业战略。