


  • Which captured the wildness of the natural world around him but which bordered on abstraction .

    这种 技法抓住了他周围自然世界的 粗犷,但接近抽象派。

  • His jerkin on the reins only add to the horse 's wildness .

    他急拉□绳,只使得马 更加 狂暴了。

  • As soon as he goes crazy under the wildness the ink water jar throws forward own also with .

    他在 狂怒之下把墨水缸发狂地向前一扔,自己也跟了上去。

  • She longed for the wildness of the mountains of her birthplace .

    她向往她出生地的山区 自然 野趣

  • His wildness made him a difficult employee .

    他为人 粗野,是个难管理的雇员。

  • Sometimes my meditations are surreal and physical experiences of shakti & all spine-twisting blood-boiling wildness .

    有时我的禅坐是超现实、生理上的 莎克蒂经验&筋骨扭拧、热血沸腾的狂野状态。

  • His works have evolved toward themes of tradition colliding with modernity wildness clashing with stillness .

    他的作品从传统与现代碰撞、 野性与沉静冲突的主题演变而来。

  • There one saw how beautiful the life of man can be and how men by the innocent labours of many generations can give to the earth a beauty it has never known in its wildness .

    在这儿,你看到了人类生活可有多么美好,人类有如何以迭代的诚实劳动给土地带来一种 土地蛮荒 时代从未领略到的美。

  • This short pungent novel displays Muriel spark 's wildness of imagination .

    这篇简短 辛辣的小说显示了 缪里尔斯帕克想像力的狂放。

  • There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her .

    她有一种 粗放勇敢的 气质

  • And toss your brass tripod with somewhat childish wildness .

    并且幼稚 野蛮 把你黄铜的三角架不 摇撼

  • Effect on the Flowing Habit of Wildness Orchid under Temperature and Light Conditions

    温度和光照条件对 野生兰花开花习性的影响

  • But you & it is your duty ; in his case it is wildness .

    你,那是 为了任务, 只是 为了 胡闹

  • That epitome of rugged wildness the grizzly bear seems to be the only species other than humans to have invented the comb .

    粗犷 野性的象征&灰熊,看来是除了人类以外唯一一种发明了梳子的动物。

  • The Chrysanthemums Abandoned in the Wildness the Women Barred from the Male World

    菊花,被弃 荒野女人,被 之男性世界之外

  • The Lost Garden of Eden & On the Wildness Image and Archetype in The Bear

    失落的伊甸园&论《熊》中的 荒野意象

  • My adviser 's criticism had removed the veil spread over the wildness of my design and convinced me that success was impossible .

    我的导师的批评揭开了 在我的设计 荒诞上的 ,使我确信成功是不可能的了。

  • Existential freedom gets its fundamental drive from the unity of wildness and rational order .

    存在自由的根本动力,是其 自身 野性 力量和理性秩序 力量 对立统一律令;

  • In order to conserve wild resources and improve the quality and yield of Chuanbeimu cultivating in wildness is the most effective ways and means at present .

    保护川贝母野生资源,提高川贝母质量和产量, 野生抚育是目前最为有效的手段和方法。

  • The beauty of nature is the co-produce of naturalization and nature humanization with wildness as its foundation .

    自然美是自然创化与自然人化共同的产物,自然性即 野性是它的基础。

  • I tell how there may be a better wildness of logic than of inconsequence .

    我知道为什么合逻辑的自由会比 紊乱的自由来得好。

  • Adolescence is a time of dreaming adventure risk sweet wildness and intensity .

    青春期充满了梦想,冒险,也 充斥 放纵和激情。

  • Wildness is an important content in the ecological criticism ; it is the home where human can acquire their salvation .


  • But the attraction of wildness had gone .

    然而 荒野的魅力却已经消失 殆尽

  • Arctic and Antarctic regions attract human beings for exploration expedition and tourism owing to their inherent values in science environment aesthetics and wildness .

    极地世界以其特有的科学、环境、美学、 荒野等价值 强烈 吸引人类前往探险、考察和旅游。

  • But even her height was nothing compared with her beauty her fierceness and her wildness .

    但她的高度,比起她的美貌、残忍和 野性来要逊色一筹。

  • The demon was tired out after a night and two days ' wildness .

    这头恶魔是疲倦了, 奔腾了两天一夜,该休息了。

  • He retained his wildness and wiliness .

    他保留这自己的 野性与狡诈。