wild land

[waɪld lænd][waild lænd]


  • Fractionation is unique highland biological species of wild land as well as the Qinghai Treble One .

    发菜是高原特有的 野生 陆地藻类生物,也是青海的“三宝”之一。

  • In eleven long years John Bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame .

    在十一年的漫长岁月中,约翰?帕克森,在他辛勤耕耘的 荒芜 土地上,几乎没有留下多少痕迹。

  • Study on the Introduction and Application of Three Kinds of Wild Genus Viola Study on Green Land Nature of Garden and Species Diversity of Tree and Shrub Plant

    三种 野生堇菜属植物引种及其园林应用园林 绿地性质和乔灌植物物种多样性研究

  • Study on wild oat Control in farm land

    农田 燕麦防除研究

  • After Max was sent to bed for misbehaving he escapes by imagining that he sails away to a wild land full of monsters .

    麦克斯做错了事,被罚上床睡觉。他借助想像逃了出去,驾船来到了一个怪兽成群的 荒野 地方

  • However I also like the kind of grass flowers those with wild flowers strong vitality as long as one inch of land to them life can thrive .

    不过,我还喜欢种野草野花,这些带 野性的花草,生命力很强,只要给它们一 寸土,就能勃发生机。

  • Reasonable Insanity Abnormal Sobriety & Brief Analysis of the Figure of Jiao in Wild Land written by CAO Yu

    疯狂中掺杂着理智清醒中附带着变态&浅析曹禺《 原野》中的焦氏形象

  • And likewise for your livestock and for the wild animals on your land .

    自然 的,也可供给你的牲畜和你 走兽

  • Food would get cheaper reducing pressure on rain forests and other wild land .

    食品更加便宜,对雨林和 荒地造成的压力更小。

  • Livestock greatly outnumber wild horses and graze on a much larger portion of BLM-managed land .

    家畜的数量远远超过 马匹,并且啃食 土地局管理的大部分 土地

  • Through the left window Della could not see any trees or houses only miles and miles of wild land .

    透过左边的窗子,黛拉看不到一棵树或一所房子,她只能看到无边无际的 荒野

  • Since the wild diosgenin lacks and land is limited while domestic and foreign demand for diosgenin is growing so it becomes imperative to introduce high yield and high quality of diosgenin resources .

    鉴于我国 野生薯蓣资源匮乏, 土地 资源有限,而国内外对皂苷元的需求日渐增长,因此引进高产和高品质的薯蓣资源势在必行。

  • The sediment yield of the farmland is 2-4 times more than that of the wooded land and 4-7 times more than that of the natural wild land ;

    农田的产沙量是林地的2~4倍,是天然 荒坡的4~7倍;

  • Vise Versa you will not be able to see the wild life without going on land .

    老虎钳一样,你将无法看到的 野生 动物没有正在进行的 土地

  • I wish I could free that rabbit from its cage to the wild land .

    但愿我可以将那只兔子从笼中释放回 野地去。

  • When farmers and wild animals share land conflicts can be hard to prevent .

    当农民们和 野生动物共用 土地的时候,斗争就很难防止了。

  • Its forbidding climate and wild seas prevented the migration and development of land animals such as the Arctic regions know .

    和人们已熟知的北极区域一样,它那令人难以亲近的气候和 狂野的海浪使得 陆地动物无法迁移至此和繁衍。

  • For nine months of the year the tundra is a dark seemingly lifeless wild land .

    每年长达9个月,冻土带都是一块看上去毫无生机的 荒凉 土地

  • The water total storage and water storage of 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer in mixed plantation were 12.4 % 22.7 % higher than those in pure plantation and wild land .

    储水量和0~40cm储水量分别较纯林和 荒地提高了12.4%、22.7%,排水能力也较强。

  • We walked into a wild land .

    我们走进一片 荒野 地方

  • She appeared in Into the Wild and In the Land of Women too before her big break as Bella Swan .

    在她以贝拉一角爆红之前她还演过《 荒野生存》和《女人 领地》。

  • Hailar : Hailar drives its name from both sides of Hailar river which used to be filled with wild leek and it means the land of wild leek in Mongolian .

    《海拉尔》海拉尔在蒙语中是“野韭 菜地”之意,因沿海拉尔河以前的两岸长满了 韭菜而得名。

  • The results show that the landscape structure has been obviously affected by human activities . The landscape is dominated by the slope farmland and wild slope land whose area account for the 73.12 % of the total area .

    结果显示:人类活动对各种景观类型的优势度的影响十分显著,集中体现在坡耕地和 荒坡 上,二者面积之和达到总面积的73.12%;

  • There is a village with several households in a wild land .


  • When farmers introduced sheep and cattle to North America the domestic animals competed with the wild animals for the available grazing land .

    农民们一将羊和牛引入北美,家畜和 野兽就为争夺可食 草地展开了竞争。

  • A desert island ; a godforsaken wilderness crossroads ; a wild stretch of land ; waste places .

    荒岛;荒凉的歧路原野; 荒凉 地带;荒地。

  • He has been yearning for the natural land or to say wild land and searching to formulate his own spiritual home .

    他始终向往着大地或者说 野地,始终在寻找和构建自己的精神家园。

  • Before I stood there long about a hundred wild geese flew to land on the lawn near me .

    我刚在那儿站了一会儿,上百只 大雁就飞来 在了我附近的草坪上。

  • Research on the wild pasture resource in the wet land of Dongting Lake

    洞庭湖 湿地 野生牧草资源的研究