Wood light

[wʊd laɪt][wud lait]


  • He went deeper and deeper into the wood where the light was less and the trees grew close together .

    他向 森林深处走着走着, 光线越来越淡,树木长得越来越密。

  • She began to walk forward crunch-crunch over the snow and through the wood towards the other light .

    她又继续朝前走,嘎吱、嘎吱的踩着积雪,穿过 树林,一直朝着那 盏灯走去。

  • This paper focus on research on the roof system of modern wood constructions introducing the mature roof system of light wood construction aiming to popularize the roof system of light wood construction in the project of changing flat roof to sloping roof .

    本论文通过对新型 结构屋顶系统的研究,引进在北美地区使用较为成熟的 轻型木结构屋架系统,旨在为我国平改坡工程开发和推广轻型木结构屋顶系统。

  • You drill out some of the core of the bat and replace the heavy wood with light cork . You can then swing the lighter bat faster and thus hit the ball further .

    把球棒中心挖空,然后用软木代替重 ,你就可以 轻而易举地把球棒挥得更快,把球打得更远了。

  • In this paper the working performance and bearing capacity of light wood truss were analyzed so as to provide basis for the design and application of light wood truss in China .

    本文对轻型 桁架的工作性能和承载能力进行了研究,旨在为 轻型木桁架在国内的设计和应用提供依据。

  • At Fuqing region Pinns massoniana wood the number of average pest every pine needle on Pinus massoniana that is light damage 1.524 2.406 w_2785 ;

    在福清市马尾松林内,危害程度为轻度的马尾松上每束松针平均虫口数的真值在 1.524,2.406w_2813之间;

  • The wood varies in colour from a flesh shade to a light reddish-brown with little distinction between heartwood and sapwood .

    木材颜色从肉色到 淡红褐色不等,边材和心材区别很小。

  • Light saturation point 600 μ mol.m-2.s-1 and above of Purple Coleus plants grouper wood Yu Li these are strong positive plants can adapt to light environments but the light will be accompanied by high temperature these plant growth slows down .

    光饱和点在600μmol.m-2.s-1以上的蔷薇科植物有紫叶李、石斑 、郁李,这些都是强阳性植物,能适应 强光环境,但是强光伴随高温也会使这些植物生长减慢。

  • The experimental study consists of two parts : the first part is the calibration experiment to measure the effective emissivity of the incandescent bulb and the second part is the wood ignition experiments where the incandescent light bulb is the external radiation sources .

    实验研究主要包括两部分:第一部分是白炽灯泡有效发射率的校准实验,第二部分是白炽 灯泡作为外加辐射源下 木材的着火实验。

  • ' Scene with a Winding River ' ( 1827 ) is a near-monochrome portrayal of a wood infused with silvery light .

    《有弯弯河流的风景》(1827年)是一幅近乎单色调的绘画,描绘的是沐浴在银色 光线里的一片 树林

  • Wood 's Effect on Light and Color in Two Different Using States

    两种不同使用状态 木材 光色效应的初步研究

  • All the windows were closed and covered with wood and metal bars that kept out the light .

    所有的窗户都是紧闭着的,上面还钉了许多 木板和铁棍, 亮光 不进来。

  • The wood is light in colour ranging from a nearly white to greyish-white .

    木材颜色 ,由近乎白色到灰白色不等。

  • Utility of the Wood 's light : Five cases from a pigmented lesion clinic

    Wood 的应用:5例临床色素性皮损检查

  • The escaping prisoner camped in a wood but he didn 't light a fire because smoke rising from the wood might attract attention .

    那个逃犯在一个 树林里宿营,但他因为从这树林中升起的烟可能会引人注意而没有 点火

  • The Steinway Tiger 's Eye piano is produced with Indian apple wood where natural dark stripes give off a slight red light .

    施坦威的虎眼以印度苹果 制成,天然的暗色条纹彰显了 木质微红的 光泽

  • The wood is light .

    这块 木头

  • To Xigaze the second day of the camphor wood to buy tickets have been light and this time it seems to you a lot of people in Nepal .

    下午四点半到了日喀则,第二天去 樟木的车票已经买 了,看来这个季节去尼泊尔的人不少呀。

  • Because of its construction speed and low cost metal plate wood truss is widely used in light wood frame construction .

    齿板连接 桁架凭其施工速度快、造价低等优点被广泛地运用于 轻型木结构中。

  • This paper deals with the studies on the comparative wood anatomy of twenty one species in nine genera of Myrtaceae by means of light microscope and scanning electron microscope .

    采用野外考察、资料收集与标本鉴定相 结合的方法,对贵州山茶科、藤黄科、 桃金娘科和野牡丹科药用植物的种类和分布进行调查研究。

  • The appearance visual aesthetic feeling and real wood are all the same the unsmooth design of the light relief show the beauty of the lines of the wooden line especially .

    外观及视觉美感与 实木完全相同, 浮雕的凹凸设计,凸现木纹的线条之美。

  • It must be accepted that wood is perishable . Pestilence was known to have been foreboded by a shower of crimson light .

    众所周知, 木材是容易腐朽的。瘟疫,则众所周知是由一阵 红光示警的。

  • The wood was a golden brown that seemed to warm in the light .

    木头是带有金黄色的棕色,似乎在 光线里会发热。

  • Wood of a yew ; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows .

    紫杉 木料,尤指英国紫杉木料,耐用、纹理细密、 褐色或红色,用于细木工或制作射箭的弓。

  • Light wood truss is a common structural member in light wood frame constructions whose bearing capacity has a close relation with the safety performance of the whole structure .

    轻型 桁架是 轻型木结构中用得很多的结构件,其承载能力关系着整个结构的安全性能。

  • We select wood blinds that are light and easy to raise with lots of beautiful colors .

    我们提供的 帘比较 轻盈,容易提升且有多种颜色的选择。

  • Arrangement of parallel horizontal Blades or slats of glass wood or other material designed to regulate airflow or light penetration .

    由一些平行的水平叶片或者玻璃板条、 木板条或其它板条组合起来的一种装置,用于调节气流或透过的 光线

  • For the purpose of understanding the bearing capacity of light wood truss the load carrying tests for four light wood trusses with 6 meters span were carried out so as to know the load - deformation relationship and probable failure modes of wood truss .

    为了了解木桁架结构的承载能力,对四榀跨度6m的轻型 桁架进行了静力加载试验,通过试验 了解了该种木桁架的荷载-变形关系以及可能的破坏形式。

  • Any of several 5-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light gray bark when young ; especially the eastern white pine .

    白色 木质且光滑的一种五针松,幼树树皮呈 灰色;特别指东部白松。

  • Newly formed outer wood lying between the cambium and the heartwood of a tree or woody plant ; usually light colored ; active in water conduction .

    树木或木本植物形成层和心材之间的新生 木质,通常色泽 ,水分传导性强。