



  • Cotton poplin snowsuit with mouton collar and knit wristlets the woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton .

    配羊皮领针织袖口的棉毛绸雪衫裤 蚜虫有像棉花 一样 羊毛状外壳。

  • Genus of small woolly herbs .

    小型草本植物的一个属, 绒毛

  • And you are woolly you have a lovely thick coat .

    而且你也 毛茸茸的,还有一件非常可爱的厚夹克。

  • Woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat .


  • She prepared for all possibilities by taking a sunhat a raincoat and a woolly scarf .

    她带了太阳帽、雨衣和 围巾,一切有备无患。

  • She is the most perfectly preserved woolly mammoth ever discovered .

    它是至今发现的 长毛象中保存最为完善的一只。

  • Another group planned to sell wireless headphones that could be worn inside woolly hats .

    另外一个 参赛队计划销售可以戴在 羊毛里面的无线耳机。

  • Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat

    马库斯戴着一顶 羊毛帽子,非常暖和。

  • The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas .


  • Secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads .

    分泌一种象精美的白色棉团或 羊毛 线团的蜡状物质。

  • Small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles .

    一个 的多年生小型草本属,具小白色盘状花的头状花序,有棒状刚毛形成的冠毛。

  • I think he had me pinned up against a woolly mammoth .

    我想他拿我和 长毛象比较。

  • It is no good setting vague and woolly goals — you will not know whether or not you have really achieved them .

    树立模糊而 明确的目标是没有用处的——你无法知道自己是否已经达到了目标。

  • The woolly aphid has a lanate coat resembling cotton .

    蚜虫有像棉花 一样 羊毛状外壳。

  • Branchlets with sparse woolly tomentum ; abaxial veins of leaves with white hairs and with sparse arachnoid tomentum .

    有稀少 羊毛的绒毛层的小枝;叶背面脉具白色的毛和具具稀疏蛛丝状毛。

  • Teeth and bones from late Ice Age animals including hyenas deer and woolly rhinos have been discovered by archaeologists at a cave in Devon .

    英国德文郡的考古学家在一个山洞中发现了冰河时期的动物牙齿和骨骼,包括斑鬣狗、鹿和 犀牛

  • D curly pubescent plants This cloth has a warm woolly feel .

    无毛和卷曲茸毛的植株这块布 上去 毛茸茸的。

  • Large monkeys with dark skin and woolly fur of the Amazon and Orinoco basins .

    产于亚马逊和奥里诺科流域的黑皮大猴, 毛象 羊毛

  • Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown .

    伍德正舒服地穿着件 羊毛晨衣。

  • That used to be a wild and woolly district .

    那里原是一个 开化的地区。

  • A couple of good old country boys are having a wild and woolly time .

    几个乡下 青年 狂欢 作乐

  • I like the feel of this cloth ; it has a warm woolly feel .

    我喜欢这块布 我的感觉,它摸上 毛茸茸的很暖和。

  • It was about the same size as the woolly mammoth but had straight tusks and less hair .

    它的个儿和 毛象差不多,但是,它的象牙是直的,毛也要少些。

  • ( biology ) densely covered with short matted woolly hairs .

    (生物学)浓密的覆盖着短而又缠结在一起的 羊毛 一样的毛发。

  • Neanderthal man was able to kill woolly mammoths and bears .

    尼安德特人能够捕杀浑身覆 猛犸象和熊。

  • Medium-sized moth with long richly colored and intricately patterned wings ; larvae are called woolly bears .

    中等体型的蛾子,翅膀长而色彩华丽并有精致图案;幼虫被称为 灯蛾毛虫。

  • Thistle of western North America having white woolly leaves .

    北美洲西部的蓟,有白色 绒毛的叶子。

  • Erect openly branched California shrub whose twigs are woolly when young .

    直立的有分岔的加州灌木,其嫩枝在幼小时是 羊毛 的。

  • Reaming and deburring tube tool This cloth has a warm woolly feel .

    铰孔和去毛刺管状刀具这块布 上去 毛茸茸的。

  • She wore this woolly hat with pompoms .

    她戴着这顶有小 绒球的毛绒帽子。