wood rays

[医] 木射线

  • The wood rays are uniseriate and fusiform and consisted of ray tracheids and ray parenchyma cells .

    射线由射线管胞和射线薄壁细胞组成,具单列和纺缍形两类 射线

  • The wood rays are heterogeneous ;


  • An experiment on and analysis of wood drying by far-infrared rays with electrothermal generators

    电热远 红外线干燥 木材的试验与分析

  • Wood anatomy characteristics including tracheid length tracheid diameter rays height and frequency cross field pits types and numbers were studied .

    从管胞分子长度、管胞分子直径、 射线高度、 射线频率、纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔类型、交叉场纹孔数目等方面,比较了它们 木材解剖特征的差异。

  • Comparative anatomical studies on the wood rays of sixty-six species in nine genera of Magnoliaceae in China

    中国木兰科9属66种植物 射线的比较解剖学研究

  • The fossil wood is composed of vessels fibers and rays .

    化石 木材由导管、 纤维、 射线组成。

  • Wood rays are mixed heterotype ⅱ few are that of ⅲ .


  • Studies on wood parenchyma and wood rays of Actinidia arguta ( sieb et zucc ) Planch ex Miquel

    软枣猕猴桃木薄壁组织及 射线的研究

  • A systematical study of the types height width of wood rays and axial . Parenchyma of thirteen species in six genera in Juglandaceae from China was carried out .

    通过对中国胡桃科6属13种所做的次生 木质部的 射线类型,高度,宽度,密度以及轴向薄壁组织的研究。

  • In root clusters of calcium oxalate distribution in parenchyma cells of the cortex phloem ray and wood rays .

    在根中,草酸钙簇晶分布于皮层、韧皮射线、 射线的薄壁细胞中。

  • When done accurately this method of processing guitar tops yields wood that displays the medullary rays that run at a right angle to the growth of the grain .

    当如此精确的加工 吉他面板时,其髓 射线和生长纹理 线是垂直的。

  • A systematical study of the types height and width of wood rays of sixty-six species in nine genera in Magnoliaceae an China was carried out .

    系统研究了中国木兰科(Magnoliaceae)9属66种植物的 射线类型、高度和宽度。