


  • Whether he wants it or not Woodruff 's son is getting a framed picture of his family .

    不管想不想要, 伍德夫的儿子还是要带上一幅家人 合影 学校

  • After her eye-opening look into her son 's housekeeping habits Lee Woodruff hit the stores to shop for supplies .

    在目睹了儿子的居家习惯后, 李冲进了商店。

  • Mrs Woodruff who is planning to move to New Zealand in the fall said she was drawn to ' the simple life ' during her twenties after she first started traveling .

    伍德拉夫夫人正计划着秋天搬往新西兰, 自从她二十多岁时开始四处旅行后,就一直 向往简单 平淡的生活。

  • Woodruff says her son brought his laundry home from camp three times this summer .


  • When buying bedding Woodruff says to be sure to buy extra-long sheets because college beds are longer than the average twin & to accommodate the taller kids .

    在选购床品时, 伍德夫 建议要买加长床单,学校 寝室的床比普通双人床要长&照顾个子高的孩子。

  • This was another big tip from parents on Woodruff 's blog .

    这是 伍德夫博客上来自很多家长的建议。

  • Advertising was the lynchpin in his grand strategy and Woodruff saw boundless opportunities whereever he looked .

    广告的基石,在他的宏伟战略,并 书屋看到了无限商机,而他的表情。

  • Amy Woodruff who lives in a clothing-optional commune in Hawaii was upside down and naked when a hungry Naia crawled over .


  • Judy Woodruff takes a look at the allegations .

    朱蒂伍德拉夫 针对这一说法进行报道。

  • Woodruff took such a shine to his driver that when Luther asked for stock in the company instead of occasional gifts of cash the old man was happy to oblige .

    其中的一份工作是 可口 可乐公司的 老板罗伯特·伍德拉夫的司机,并甚得其欢心。当卢瑟要求用公司的股份来代替 惯例的现金 奖励时, 伍德拉夫很高兴的应许了。

  • Analysis of working angle and braking angle in turning woodruff key clutch

    圆形 离合器转键工作转角与制动角的分析

  • Fellow parents had lots of great advice for Woodruff on how to simplify the process on her blog .

    伍德夫的博客上,一些家长给了她很多建议,来 帮助简化 行李 准备过程。

  • Woodruff is the use of diversionary measure known as loving the motherland and peace but in reality is to take the war to raise the visibility of product sales Billiton .

    伍德拉夫 是运用了声东击西之计,名为爱国爱和平,实则是借战争提高产品的知名度拓销

  • Good Morning America life and family contributor Lee Woodruff and her husband ABC 's Bob Woodruff are among them .

    “早安美国” 栏目 李·伍德夫和她的丈夫鲍勃·伍德夫就是其中的一对。

  • One mom told Woodruff on her blog to get a long mattress pad for the bed because that was one area that she really wanted her son to be comfortable .

    一位母亲在 伍德夫的博客里告诉她,要想让孩子睡得舒服,一定要准备一床长一点的褥子。

  • This system does not require the use of a woodruff key .

    这个系统并不需要使用一种 半圆键。

  • The opening on the circlip should lie opposite the woodruff key groove .

    卡圈开口的位置应与 半圆键凹槽的位置相对。

  • Firstly the setup of customer network : get the customers ' interests with the knowledge of Ontology set up the complex network based on customers ' interests and get the demands of the whole customer network with the Customer Value Hierarchy Model .

    首先,建立客户网络:利用本体论的相关知识获取客户兴趣关键词,并使用复杂网络的方法建立基于客户兴趣的复杂网络,在 Woodruff的客户需求层次模型的基础上获取客户网络的整体需求。