word of honor

[wɚd ʌv ˈɑnɚ][wə:d ɔv ˈɔnə]

[法] 诺言

  • Well I give you my most sacred word of honor that if you go away I shall die .

    可是现在我可以向你发出最神圣的 :如果你走,我就死。

  • On Nov 19 Oxford Dictionaries declared selfie Word of the Year for 2013 in honor of the term having taken over the world thanks to millions of smartphone self-portraits and the resulting shares on social media .

    11月19日,《牛津词典》宣布 selfie(自拍)成为牛津2013年度热 ,以 表彰这一凭借智能手机自拍以及社交媒体分享而风靡世界的词汇。

  • I pledged my word ( of honor ) that I would never again get into debt .


  • On my word of honor rather than die in bed of an illness slowly a bit by bit each day with drugs cataplasms syringes medicines I should prefer to receive a cannon-ball in my belly !

    说句真心 ,与其 害病,吃药,贴膏药,灌肠,请医生,搞到身体一天不如一天,躺在一张破床上慢悠悠地死去,我宁肯在肚子上挨一炮弹!

  • There are people who read very loud and who have the appearance of giving themselves their word of honor as to what they are perusing .

    有些人读得声音极高,仿佛是在对他们所读的东西发誓 赌咒

  • You never even had a small doubt that once his word was given and a course of action decided he would honor the letter and the spirit of the agreement .

    你从来不会怀疑他的 任何 ,任何一个决策,因为他会 严格 遵守协议上面的文字和精神内容。

  • From the view of the basic word order sentences Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

    由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的 构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本 语序看,属于SOV(主宾 )型语言。

  • Word of honor especially that of a prisoner of war who is granted freedom only after promising to lay down arms .


  • I can give you my word of honor to cooperate with you in every respect .

    我可以向你 保证我们各方面会与你合作。