without so much as

[wɪðˈaʊt soʊ mʌtʃ æz][wiˈðaut səʊ mʌtʃ æz]


  • For years Microsoft took it he said without so much as counterpunch .

    然而多年来,微软 默默 忍受这些,几乎从不予以还击。

  • She auctioned off the car without so much as taking a ride in it .

    她甚至都 怎么开过那辆车, 把它拍卖了。

  • But the Security Council broke up without so much as issuing a statement much less passing any new resolutions or sanctions .

    不过,安理会会议结束时并 没有发表声明 不用说是通过任何新的决议或是制裁了。

  • Without so much as a thought to your relationship .

    完全 考虑你们之间的关系。

  • He leaves the room without so much as saying good-bye to me .

    他离开房间 甚至 再见 没有对我说。

  • She let down a tape from the window to the pavement and it was a sheer drop of thirty feet without so much as a spout to climb up by .

    她从窗口放下一根带子到地上,窗子的高度足足有三十英尺,墙上 一个可供攀登的喷水口 没有

  • For perhaps five seconds exaltation made him careless and he stepped out on to the pavement without so much as a preliminary glance through the window .

    大概有五秒钟之久,他兴高采烈 忘乎所以,他事先也 没有从玻璃窗里看一眼 外面街上,就走了出去。

  • The yard was filthy and smelly without so much as a blade of grass in it .

    院里又是 那么脏臭, 棵青草 没有

  • We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance .

    如今我走过这些电子搜查器时已经看都 一眼了。

  • She walked away from the house without so much as a backward glance .

    她走出这座房子, 甚至 没有 回头看一眼。

  • He left without so much as saying goodbye .

    说声再见都 没有 走开了。

  • He walked off and left me without so much as a backward glance .

    他走开了,甚至 没有回头看我一眼 去。

  • She left without so much as saying “ good-bye ” .

    甚至 “再见”都 说就走了。

  • She walked slowly away form me without so much as looking back over her shoulder ;

    它慢慢离我 甚至 回头看看我;

  • They started smoking without so much as a by your leave .

    他们 你允许 开始抽烟。

  • And without so much as turning his head to see whether he was not leaving something behind him !


  • He is poor without so much as a place to live in .

    他穷 住的地方都 没有

  • Last year he broke up with me without so much as an it 's over .

    去年,他 甚至 我说“结束了” 就跟我分了手。

  • Without so much as getting a speeding ticket .

    仅仅被 了一张超速罚单。

  • To her dismay however the young man roughly brushed her aside and went by without so much as a glance at her .

    然而,令她惊愕的是,这位青年粗暴 将她推开,连看都 看她一眼就走开了。

  • We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance ; the machines and what they stand for have won .

    如今我们走过这些电子搜查器时已经看都 一眼了,这些装置,还有它们所代表的一切已经获胜。

  • But when she cheerfully tried on the rented dress at home her mother went to the kitchen without so much as a glance at the dress and refused to come back to see how it fit .

    但是当新娘在家愉快的展示自己租来的礼服时候,她的妈妈 甚至 看都 看一眼,就跑到厨房去了,不愿告诉女儿衣服到底合 合适。

  • They don 't care about anything In order to realize their so-called ideals they can leave home without so much as saying good bye .

    他们什么都不在乎,为了实现他们所谓的理想,他们甚至会 不辞而别

  • Off he went without so much as a'goodbye ' .

    他走了,甚至 ‘再见’都没说。

  • Both worked without so much as one line of code touched .

    这两种 情况 需要修改一行代码就能 完成我们的工作。

  • He was on for hours segueing from one song to the next without so much as a pause for applause .

    他已经唱了几个小时了,一首接一首, 甚至 给人鼓掌的间歇都 没有

  • She came in without so much as saying hello to me .

    她连跟我打声招呼都 没有 进来了。

  • Disappointed with her husband Mary left home without so much as looking back at him .

    出于对丈夫的失望,玛丽离开了家, 甚至 没有回头看他一眼。

  • She walked away without so much as a thank you .

    她走时 感谢话都

  • Watch the way he can create space without so much as a dribble .

    看看他怎样 用不着 的运球 可以为自己创造出投篮空间;