wiring system

[ˈwaɪrɪŋ ˈsɪstəm][ˈwaɪərɪŋ ˈsistəm]


  • This paper expounds the common methods and measures in power supply and distribution system design of logistics center such as load calculation arrangement of main wiring system selection of equip-ment type as well as wiring etc.

    阐述在物流中心供配电工程设计中的负荷计算、 系统 线 方案、设备选型、线路敷设等通常采用的方法和措施。

  • The design conception and some design details of the comprehensive wiring system inside the university library building is analyzed and discussed in the paper .

    本文就高校图书馆建筑综合 布线设计理念以及布线设计中的若干问题作了分析和探讨。

  • It systematically introduces comprehensive wiring system project overall design of intelligentized building and intelligentized area makes emphasis on network architecture equipment configuration pipe chase system and connection methods .

    系统地介绍了智能化建筑和智能化小区的综合 布线 系统工程总体方案设计,重点说明了网络结构、设备配置、管槽系统以及连接方式等。

  • Only the comprehensive wiring system is perfect can have a variety of weak application system implementation .

    只有综合 布线 系统的完美,才会有多种弱电应用系统的实施。

  • Electrical circuit diagram which is important initial data in secondary wiring system is designed based on the prototype plot orders .

    采用了基于绘图原语的方法设计电气原理图。电气原理图是二次 接线 自动生成 系统需要处理的一种重要的原始输入数据。

  • On comprehensive wiring system and its application in practical engineering

    综合 布线 系统及其在实际工程中的应用

  • In this paper lan integrated wiring system implementation methods and integrated wiring rules were set out .

    本文介绍了局域网综合 布线 系统的实施方法,并对综合布线的规则进行了阐述。

  • Automatic wiring system of printed circuit board

    印刷电路板自动 布线 系统

  • Design and building of the network system of the campus have been probed into from five respects of functional structure of campus network selection of backbone network type the network comprehensive wiring system design of network system plan of applied system etc. .

    从校园网功能架构、主干网络技术选型、网络综合 布线 系统、网络系统设计、应用系统规划等5个方面,探讨了校园网络系统的规划与建设问题。

  • Several other problems should be taken into accounts in the design and the implementation of synthetic wiring system were also pointed out .

    本文对综合 布线综合度以及综合布线中的 屏蔽与非 屏蔽问题进行了探讨,还指出了在综合 有线 系统设计与施工中应注意的几个问题。

  • This paper presents overall structure of power supply and distribution system of a typical middle spinning mill including load calculation arrangement of main wiring system selection of equipment type and reactive power compensation design .

    阐述了典型的中型纺织企业供配电系统的构成,包括负荷计算、 系统接线方案、设备选型、 系统无功功率补偿的设计等。

  • Present Networks Technology and Design of Combined Wiring System

    当前网络技术与综合 布线 系统的设计

  • The Application Of The Comprehensive Wiring System In The Upgrade Of The Meteorological Core Network

    综合 布线 系统在气象核心网络升级中的应用

  • Power protection and earthing of overall wiring system and intelligent building

    综合 布线 系统的电源、防护及接地与智能建筑

  • On the Study of the Integrated Wiring System of Buildings

    建筑物综合 布线 系统研究

  • Application and Design Using Integrated Wiring System in Changchun Airport

    综合 布线 系统在长春机场的应用与设计

  • With the example of office building computer network wiring intelligent office building network wiring system is designed and implemented from the design laying wiring and acceptance etc. of network wiring system .

    以某公司办公楼计算机网络布线为例,从网络布线系统的设计、敷设、打线、验收等几方面,阐述智能化办公楼网络 布线 系统的设计与实现。

  • Attentive Problems in Designing of Integrated Wiring System

    综合 布线 系统设计中应注意的问题

  • The article introduces the basic principle of allocation and isolation for faulty section in automatic wiring system illustrates the technique and its implementing procedures .

    本文简要介绍了 配线自动化 系统中故障区段判断和隔离方法的基本原理,并论述了该方法的实施步骤。

  • This paper expounds the grounding of comprehensive electric wiring system in hydraulic project and hydraulic power plant .

    文中从综合 布线 系统的接地阐述接地在水利工程枢纽或电站中的应用。

  • Connected with the practice of design on the integrated wiring system this thesis will discuss three problems : the difference between frequency bandwidth and transmitted velocity the selection of shield and non shield twisted pair the design of systematical protection on electricity .

    结合综合 布线 系统设计实践,论述了频率带宽与传输速率的区别,屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞线的选择及系统电气防护设计三个问题。

  • Analysis on Comprehensive Wiring System in Intelligent Building

    浅析智能化建筑中的综合 布线 系统

  • If the wiring system is faulty the display stays blank .

    如果 接线 系统出现故障,显示屏空白。

  • This article combines with the project of ski Hall of Qiaobo ice-snow world to show the application of the structural comprehensive wiring system and the design philosophy .

    结合乔波冰雪世界滑雪馆工程实例说明结构化综合 布线 系统的设计思想及其应用。

  • This paper describes integrated wiring system computer network system and the trial surveillance system design including the design thought system structure etc.

    本文主要叙述综合 布线 系统、计算机网络系统和审讯监控系统的设计方案,包括设计思路、系统构架等。

  • This paper introduces each weak electronic system and comprehensive wiring system of the intellectual residential system and puts forward the principle of being based on the practicability and being properly advance for the system design and some items needing attention in its erection construction .

    介绍了智能家居系统的各项弱电子系统和综合 布线 系统,提出了实用为主、适当超前的系统设计原则以及安装施工中应注意的事项。

  • The comprehensive wiring system uses the standardized pronunciation data image and monitoring equipment various lines are displayed on a set of standard wiring system and unified wiring design installment construction and centralized management maintenance .

    综合 布线 系统采用标准化的语音、数据、图像、监控设备,各线综合配置在一套标准的布线系统上,统一布线设计、安装施工和集中管理维护。

  • Intelligence architecture is the organic integration of building communication and office automation system using comprehensive wiring system and computer network . The architecture environment is the support platform of intelligence architecture .

    智能建筑是楼宇自动化系统、通信自动化系统和办公自动化系统三者通过结构化综合 布线 系统和计算机网络技术的有机集成,其中建筑环境是智能建筑的支持平台。