


  • The diversity of wingbeat frequencies of female mosquitoes was evident among five temperature levels ( p < 0.05 ) . The result showed that there was effect on wingbeat frequencies of female mosquitoes .

    温度对雌蚊翅振频率的影响研究中,所设置的5个温度梯度中 频率的差异都显著(P<0.05),说明温度对这四种雌蚊的翅振频率有影响;

  • The wingbeat patterns and frequencies of some insects

    若干 昆虫的 模式及 频率

  • When mosquitoes fly their wing would produce continuous wingbeat sounds .

    蚊虫飞翔时,翅上 拍打会形成连续的 音。

  • The male mosquitoes show response only to the main frequency of the female wingbeat sound .

    雄蚊只对基本频率的雌蚊 反应, 音的 偶然变化不会 降低其对雄蚊的引诱力。