wireless compass

[ˈwaɪrlɪs ˈkʌmpəs][ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈkʌmpəs]


  • Because of its flexibility and capability to supply network service Anywhere Anytime Wireless access network ( WAN ) has an irreplaceable position in the compass of network accessing .

    无线接入网拥有灵活自由的接入方式,其 随时随地提供网络服务的优势使其在接入领域具有不可替代的地位。

  • Firstly the attitude data collection system was designed including the hardware design and software debugging of the digital signal processing chip inertial measurement unit wireless transmission GPS digital compass . And the input and output data of helicopter was obtained under manual fly .

    首先设计了姿态数据采集系统,主要包括数字信号处理芯片、惯性测量单元、 无线传输、GPS、数字 罗盘的硬件设计和软件调试,获得手动飞行下的输入输出数据。