


  • But throught practice one can tell the true from the false . winnow truth from falsehood

    通过实践我们即可区别真伪。 去伪存真,辨别真假

  • The Winnow algorithm used in our system is described in detail and a set of experiments is carried out to verify its effect .

    中详细描述了在我们的 过滤系统中所使用的 Winnow算法以及所进行的一系列证实其有效性的实验。

  • Yahoo did not confirm its use but reports indicate that its high-profile leader Marissa Mayer is relying on the stack ratings model to winnow out employees and fire them & the yank part of the equation .

    虽然雅虎并没有确认这一点,但大量报道显示,这家公司行事高调的掌门人玛丽莎•梅耶尔正在依靠堆垛式评级模型 、解雇一些员工&这一评估方程式的“封杀”部分。

  • Both of the algorithms need appropriate feature selection . When two words around an entity were selected the performance of the both algorithms got the peak . The average weighted F-Score of Winnow and SVM algorithms were 73.08 % and 73.27 % separately .

    两种算法都进行适当的特征选择,当选择每个实体的左右两个词为特征时,达到最好的抽取效果, Winnow和SVM算法的加权平均F-Score分别为73.08%和73.27%。

  • In this paper we describe the regularized Winnow algorithm for Chinese named entity recognition . The experiment results for a large corpus are presented .

    本文针对中文的命名实体识别问题,描述了正则化 Winnow算法,并给出了基于较大规模语料库的实验结果。

  • The utility model relates to a power rice sheller in particular to a light power rice sheller with a screen and a rotating winnow device .

    本实用新型涉及一种动力打稻机,特别是一种带筛、带转 装置的轻型动力打稻机。

  • The new X prize is designed to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff .

    设立的这个X奖是为了在 茫茫基因 大漠 披沙拣金”。

  • It is proved that the winnow algorithm can be used to implement on mail classification system which has high efficient reliable features and can meets the change of user 's criteria for classification through setting up the rules and through adding self-adaptive ability to winnow algorithm .

    实验证明,通过建立规则、增加 Winnow分类的自适应能力,采用Winnow算法能够实现一个高效的、可靠的、能够适应用户分类标准变化的邮件分类系统。

  • Due to the huge gap between the quota and actual applications immigration officers had to hold a random drawing to winnow down the applications .

    由于配额和实际申请之间的巨大差距,移民局官员只得采用随机抽取的方法来 筛选 众多的申请。

  • Splice Site Identification Based on Improved Winnow Algorithm

    基于改进的 Winnow算法的剪接位点识别

  • Both positive Winnow and balanced Winnow were realized in this system and after test balanced Winnow was found superior to positive Winnow .

    在本系统中,分别实现了 基本 Winnow和BalancedWinnow,经测试发现BalancedWinnow的性能要优于最基本的Winnow。

  • Objective To winnow and establish the optimal condition for ultrasonic extraction of total flavone from christina loosestrife herb .

    目的 优选并确立金钱草总黄酮的最佳超声提取条件。

  • Study on algorithm of distinguishing the forged notes from the paper currencies based on image feature winnow truth from falsehood

    基于图像特征的纸币 真伪识别算法研究

  • Study on spam filters based on Winnow algorithm

    基于 Winnow算法的垃圾邮件过滤器研究

  • His shovel is ready in his hand and he will winnow his threshing-floor ; the wheat he will gather into his granary but he will burn the chaff on a fire that can never go out .

    他手拿簸箕,要 净打谷场的谷粒,把麦子收进谷仓里,用永不熄灭之火把糠烧掉。

  • Mt.25:26 And his master answered and said to him Evil and slothful slave you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not winnow .

    太二五26主人就回答他说,又恶又懒的奴仆,你既知道我没有撒种的地方要收割,没有 散的地方要收聚;

  • Winnow truth from falsehood Does anybody know how to identify the new ID card ? Reply in Chinese is also OK ! Thanks !

    是否有人知道如何鉴别第二代身份证 真伪,可以 中文,谢谢!

  • A Winnow Linear Classifier and Its Application in TREC 2003 Novelty

    一种 Winnow线性分类器及其在TRECNovelty任务中的应用

  • Text Filtering Based on Winnow Algorithm

    基于 Winnow算法的文本过滤

  • Administration officials have winnowed the list of candidates to three .

    行政官员将候选名单 至3人。

  • The results show that adoption of Winnow has obtained significant improvement in TREC ( Text REtrieval Conference ) 2002 filtering track .

    结果显示 Winnow 分类器的采用在2002年度的TREC(文本检索会议)过滤任务中取得了显著的性能提高。

  • Winnow the husks from the corn

    风选 除去谷物的壳

  • A building for storing threshed grain . winnow the husks from the corn
