


  • Does the wiper motor operate in low speed ?


  • Car radiator fan cooling fan blower wiper motor and rectifier .

    汽车散热器总成,冷凝器风扇,空调鼓风机, 电机,整流桥。

  • Unexpected switching on of the wiper system while the wiper arm is being worked on .

    当刮臂正在工作时, 刮水器系统意外开启。

  • Three external systems are considered : the wiper interface the windshield and the car electrical system .

    需考虑三种外部系统: 雨刷 接口,挡风玻璃,和汽车电子系统。

  • Look for obvious splits in windscreen and rear wiper blades .

    检查前、后风挡玻璃上的 雨刷 是否存在裂纹。

  • Intermittent wiper delay relay control and logic

    间歇 雨刷延迟继电器控制和逻辑

  • Check wiper function of wiper system .

    检查刮水器系统的 刮水器功能。

  • There was a parking ticket under the windshield wiper .

    汽车挡风玻璃 刮水器下有一张违章停车罚款的通知单。

  • She found a rose tucked under the windscreen wiper of her car one morning .

    一天清晨,她发现自己汽车的挡风玻璃 雨刷下插着一支玫瑰。

  • With the drb read the intermittent wiper sensor voltage .

    用DRB读间歇的 雨刷传感器电压。

  • Lowest continuous speed test with load DOES THE WIPER MOTOR OPERATE IN LOW SPEED ?

    最低稳定工作转速试验 雨刷马达在低速运转吗?

  • Unscrew the two fastening nuts for the wiper shaft and the two nuts securing the catch bar .

    拧开 刮水器轴的两个紧固螺母和用以保护定位杆的两个螺母。

  • Unscrew four fastening screws on the wiper linkage .

    拧下 刮水器连杆上的四个紧固螺钉。

  • Insert the relay of the wiper motor into the cut-out below the holder .


  • This is washer wiper this is emergency alarm switch .

    这是 开关、这是危急报警灯开关;

  • The main components of the RSW are : an interface to actuate the wiper an electronic control unit a sensor and the windshield element .

    RSW的主要组件是:一个开动 雨刷的接口、一个电子控制单元、一个传感器和一风挡部件。

  • Windshield wiper and washer

    挡风玻璃 雨刷和清洗器

  • Electrical contact is maintained between the wiper and resistance element .


  • We know aboutyour memory wiper .

    我们知道你的记忆 擦除 了。

  • If a new wiper motor is being installed ensure that the correct Porsche original screws are used .

    如果安装新的 刮水器电机,要保证使用正确的porsche原始螺钉。

  • I need my wiper .

    我需要 黑板

  • When it rained drivers did not need to open windscreen wiper so that drivers could concentrate on driving .

    当下雨时,驾驶者无需动手打开雨 ,使驾驶者可以集中精力开车。

  • Wiper stalk switch through all six intermittent wiper positions .

    雨刷 开关通过所有的六个间歇的雨刷位置。

  • Again remove the intermittent wiper relay .

    再一次,移走间歇的 雨刷继电器。

  • Tighten front fastening screws for wiper system .

    拧紧 刮水器系统的前端紧固螺钉。

  • With the DRB select monitor display wiper system monitor the wiper Park switch .

    用DRB选择监视器显示 雨刷系统监视雨刷停止开关。

  • Remove the four screws near the wiper pivots that secure the wiper module to the cowl plenum panel .

    拆卸固定雨刷模组到罩通风板且距离 雨刷枢轴最近的四个螺丝。

  • Equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio .

    机动车辆中提供发动机启动、点燃燃料和开启灯光、 刮水器、加热器、空调机和收音机电源的设备。

  • I wedged it under the wiper arm .

    于是就把它 雨刷 的下面。

  • The windshield wiper blade on the driver 's side quit while driving in a blinding storm .

    在一场倾盆大雨中我开着车,突然驾驶座这一侧的 雨刷 胶皮 了。