winter vacation

[ˈwɪntɚ veˈkeʃən][ˈwintə vəˈkeiʃən]


  • However your parents early on a winter vacation to make you a tutorial .

    可是,你的父母早早地给你报了 寒假补习班。

  • The winter vacation was drawing near but nobody knew where they were going for the holiday .


  • Probably not this winter vacation .

    今年 寒假恐怕不 回来了。

  • Today in my winter vacation is most joyful day !

    今天是我 寒假中最快乐的一天!

  • Summer and winter vacation go to all members of their favorite places .

    暑假和 寒假 ,各个成员都去到她们最喜欢的地方。

  • This is one dull day of my winter vacation .

    这就是我 寒假的无聊的一天。

  • Do you enjoy having a winter vacation in paris ?

    你喜欢 巴黎 寒假吗?

  • The students often go skiing during winter vacation .

    学生们 寒假 经常去滑雪。

  • Last winter vacation a group of American students stayed with us for a few days .

    去年 寒假,一组美国学生和我们一起呆了几天。

  • With the happy mood of the spring Festival everyone of us has spent a joyful winter vacation .

    感受着新年带来的喜悦与祥和,全校师生度过了短暂而愉快的 假期

  • My school has3 weeks for winter vacation .

    我学校 寒假 三个星期。

  • We must decide between going home and staying at school during this winter vacation .

    我们必须决定 寒假期间是回家还是留校。

  • I put up with my grandmother during the winter vacation .

    寒假我和祖母住在 一起

  • This winter vacation we went nowhere just stayed at school .

    这个 寒假我们哪儿也不 ,就待在学校。

  • I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation .

    我经常去看我的奶奶和爷爷在 寒假期间。

  • Further the schools are closed during the summer vacation winter vacation & exam preparation time .

    此外,学校在暑假期间关闭, 寒假及考试准备时间。

  • After all winter vacation awaits you .

    毕竟, 寒假在等着你们。

  • Hey Bell . I 'm going to Canada for winter vacation .

    嘿,贝尔。我要去加拿大 寒假

  • However I am anxious to go home to the winter vacation to forget the matter .

    可是我 寒假很着急回家把此事给忘了。

  • He wants to go somewhere warm this winter vacation .

    今年 寒假他想去某个暖和的地方。

  • She opted for a winter vacation instead of one in the summer .

    她选择了在 冬天 休假而不是在夏天 休假

  • Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for spring festival .

    大多数乘客是 寒假的大学生和返乡过年的农民工。

  • I will miss the special experience in this winter vacation .

    我会怀念这 寒假 制作 花灯的经验。

  • Winter vacation is a time for fun .


  • I finished reading three novels during the winter vacation .

    我在 寒假 读完了三本小说。

  • My sister and I went to Hong Kong for four days in this winter vacation .

    今年 寒假,我和我姐去香港玩了四天。