wire link

[waɪr lɪŋk][ˈwaiə liŋk]


  • The leading products include wire breaking pliers series pipe pliers series and link chain series etc.

    断线钳系列、管子钳系列、 索具链条系列等。

  • High quality steel wire manufacturing high-quality link a choice of color colorful . Quality all through Europe and the United States environmental safety testing standards .

    采用优质的钢 线,制造优质的 挂钩,颜色五光十色均可选择。质量上乘,均通过欧美环保安全检测标准。

  • Wire rope hoist system is an important component of the system is to upgrade the relatively weak key link ;

    钢丝绳是绞车提升系统的重要组成部分,也是提升系统较为薄弱的关键 环节

  • Almost half a million kilometers of telephone and telegraph wire link the NYSE with brokerage offices around the nation and across the globe .

    约50万公里长的电话和电报 线 纽约股票交易所与全国以及全球各地的经纪人事务所 联结 起来

  • Our company 's main products are : crimped wire mesh chain link mesh window screening Fiberglass mesh welded wire mesh etc high quality with lowest price all of them are warmly welcomed by buyers .

    我公司产品主要有轧花网、勾 花网、窗纱、 网络布(玻璃纤维网格布)、电焊网等产品,质优价廉深受国内外客商的欢迎。

  • Wire driven parallel robot in which wire is used to replace the link of parallel robot is developed from parallel robot and serial wire driven robot .

    柔索驱动并联机器人采用 代替 连杆作为机器人的驱动 元件,它 结合了并联结构和柔索驱动的优点。

  • In the process editor wire the InvokeTask activity to the Choice activity by right-clicking InvokeTask and selecting Add a link .

    在过程编辑器中,右键单击 InvokeTask并选择Adda link把InvokeTask活动与Choice活动连接 起来

  • It is headquartered in Minneapolis MN US and listed in New York Stock Exchange ( VAL ) . Almost half a million kilometers of telephone and telegraph wire link the NYSE with brokerage offices around the nation .

    公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为VAL。纽约证券交易所通过总长达50万公里的电话和电报 线路同全国各地的经纪行保持 联系

  • There exists much difference between wire and wireless data link layer at length the paper discusses the problem of how to design wireless data link - layer with the aim of enhancing the communication quality and better meeting with admission to Internet .

    由于无线 链路 有线的差异,文章最后还论述了无线链路层的设计问题,也是为了提高通信质量,更好满足无线网络接入Internet的要求。