wire storage

[waɪr ˈstɔrɪdʒ][ˈwaiə ˈstɔ:ridʒ]


  • The braided copper wire is suitable for the flexible conductor of electric installation switch gear electric frunace storage battery etc.

    铜编织 线用于电气装置,开关电器,电炉及 蓄电池等的软连接线。

  • Analysis on Surface Corrosion of 30Si_2MnB Wire Rods during its Storage

    30Si2MnB 盘条存放期间表面锈蚀原因分析

  • The method possesses the advantages of flexibility in treating the wire structures with irregular shapes and of the computer storage and CPU time requirements .

    该方法在处理形状不规则的 线 天线线散射器时,非常方便灵活,且所占计算机 内存和所用计算时间较少。

  • In terms of the lubricant for copper wire drawing this paper presents the preparation storage maintenance and liquid waste treatment .

    介绍了铜 拉丝油的 贮存、配制、维护管理及废液的处理等。

  • Base cabinets can house multiple CPUs rack electronics wire management and storage .

    底柜能容纳多个CPU,机架电子, 电线管理和 存储器

  • This paper presents an electromagnetic field pattern of single collinear wire cleaning electrode which is in the circular vacuum tube of the storage ring which is reduced to achieving a solution of the boundary value problem of the electromagnetic field .

    研究了 储存环圆真空盒中单根直 导线结构清洗电极的一种电磁场形态,将此电磁场求解归纳为非轴对称双圆柱面边界的边值问题;

  • Design of Alarm System for Steel Wire Detecting Based on USB Data Storage

    基于USB移动 存储 钢丝 探伤报警系统设计

  • The paper analyses the relationship between every component with particular attention being paid to the topological relationship between several types of wire unifies these types of wire into one and designs its storage structure .

    本文分析了电路原理图中各个元件之间的连接关系,尤其是几种导线之间的拓扑关系,然后将几种 导线统一成一种并设计出它的 存储 数据结构。

  • Since wireless network transmission speed is much slower than the wire network and the performance of mobile terminal such as storage and CPU is worse compared with PC the platform for mobile users is not equivalent to the spatial information service platform for wire users .

    但是由于移动环境自身的特点包括无线通信带 宽窄、移动终端性能弱等,我们不能简单的将一般面向移动用户的城市空间信息平台等同与面向移动的平台。

  • Study on the application of double wire submerged arc welding in the construction of crude oil storage tank

    埋弧焊在原油 储罐施工中的应用

  • Install coated wire shelving to add more storage space to a child 's closet .

    安装一层 铁丝 可以为你孩子的壁橱增加更多的 存储空间。

  • Wire decking is mainly used in industrial and commercial storage rack systems .

    钢丝层板主要应用于工业和商业 仓储货架设备。