wild grain

[waɪld ɡren][waild ɡrein]


  • Analysis on main agronomic traits of both the mutant and the wild type indicated that the mutant were higher in tiller number and 1000 grain weight than the wild type but there were significantly differences in other agronomic traits . 3 .

    对突变体和 野生型主要农艺性状的调查分析表明,突变体在分蘖数与 千粒重方面高于野生型。而其他农艺性状与野生型没有显著差异。

  • Compared with the wild type the down-expression lines ABD showed reduced plant height shorter leaf white blighted grain .


  • The wild plants used as food and beverage including 21 species of vegetables 2 species of edible fruits and 2 species of wild grain .

    民间饮食用野生植物包括蔬菜21种、食用水果2种、 粮食植物2种。

  • Perhaps a prehistoric farmer discovered that a small wild cat kept rats and mice out of his grain .

    大概,在史前,农夫发现:小 野猫让他的 粮食免遭鼠灾。

  • It is a wild high-quality forage widely grown mostly for hay green forage silage and grain .

    它是一种高品质的 野生牧草,可以作为饲料、干草、青贮 饲料