


  • Development of the Beam Position Monitor and Stability Detecting for Wiggler Radiation Beam at NSRL

    束流位置探测器研制与 NSRL-Wiggler光源稳定性监测

  • A coaxial hybrid wiggler free-electron laser ( FEL ) amplifier with and without plasma filling is studied by a method of PIC simulation in this paper .

    采用PIC模拟方法对同轴混合 摇摆 自由电子激光器进行了研究,分析了等离子体填充对其性能的影响。

  • We have computed the wiggler parameters efficiency of energy conversion between electron beam and laser field laser intensity phase-space distributions and energy spectrum of electrons .

    计算了 摆动 参数、电子束和激光场之间的能量转换效率、激光强度、电子的相空间分布和能谱。

  • Stability monitoring for wiggler radiation beam at NSRL


  • Meanwhile we examined that the parameter error of electron-beam and wiggler had an effect on power and efficiency of FEL .

    同时我们还考查了电子束参量, wiggler 参量的误差对FEL功率、效率的影响。

  • The technical particulars designed and manufactured superconducting wiggler magnet system cryostat for Hefei Synchrotron Radiation Device in China are presented in this paper .

    本文介绍了我国大型同步辐射装置&合肥同步辐射装置超导 Wiggler磁体系统低温恒温器设计和制造的技术特点。

  • Abstract : new ideas new structures and new technologies have been used for the design manufacture and installment of wiggler in order to achieve the coincidence of the central level planes of magnets and beam vacuum tube .

    文摘:采用新思想、新结构、新工艺设计和加工 超导 扭摆 磁铁,并在安装过程中 确保 磁体 准直,实现了磁体的磁中心水平面与束流真空管的中心水平面的重合。

  • But to the resistive wiggler the mixture has higher activity and lower resistance .

    而在 抗性 中,混合 同样 显示 最高的 杀虫活性和最低的抗性比。

  • The working state of Free-electron lasers with travelling wave radiation field wiggler is analysed the laser gain is calculated and the conditions for obtaining gains are also analysed .

    分析了辐射行波场 Wiggler自由电子激光器的工作状态,计算了激光器的增益,分析了获得正增益的条件。

  • The spontaneous emission spectrum and higher harmonic gain of a relativistic electron in a novel electrostatic wiggler are discussed .

    讨论了一种静电 摇摆 中电子的自发辐射谱和高次谐波的增益,其 形式 平面 摇摆 中的类似。

  • A new kind of electrostatic wiggler is presented and studied .

    本文提出了一种静电 自由 电子 激光 摆动

  • Based on the study of present situation of the small-period wiggler . a new current wig-gler is presented .

    在分析了小周期 摆动 研究现状的基础上,提出了电流 摆动器。

  • Automatic spraying auxiliary equipment : powder for powder concentrate closed system elevators robots wiggler procedures controller controller and components interval identification equipment .

    自动喷涂辅助设备:粉末闭路集中供粉系统,升降机、机器人、 摇摆 、程序控制器、间隔控制器和部件辩认设备等。

  • Abstract Synchroton radiation from 6T superconducting wiggler is a strong heat source in storage ring UHV system of HLS .

    6T超导 扭摆 磁铁的同步辐射光是合肥光源储存环超高真空系统中的强热源。

  • The maximum central field of the Wiggler magnet in Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Accelerator is 5 T.

    合肥国家同步辐射加速器的一 周期 超导 Wiggler磁体,最大中心磁场为5T。

  • We only build the hard edge magnetic model of the superconducting wiggler in HLS because of the lack of magnetic field data .

    对于HLS上的超导 扭摆 wiggler),由于缺少 详细的磁场数据,我们只建立了其磁场的硬边模型。

  • Depressing the HOM heating on in-vacuum wiggler with an in-vacuum beam pipe

    真空内 扭摆磁铁的内真空盒对高次模发热的抑制作用

  • The characteristics of the design and manufacture of a cryostat used for Wiggler magnet which is an important part of the synchrotron accelerator is introduced .

    介绍了低温恒温器的设计和制造特点。 Wiggler磁体是同步辐射装置的重要部件。

  • The control system was constructed to control the storage ring 's main magnet power supply and superconducting Wiggler power supply .

    该系统已用于控制储存环主磁铁电源和超导 Wiggler电源。

  • In this paper Lorentz equation and energy equation for relativistic electron are analysed by using the method of successive order approximation the gain expression on free-electron laser with periodic wiggler field of helical variance amplitude is obtained .

    本文用逐阶近似法分析了相对论电子洛仑兹力方程和能量方程,获得了振幅螺旋变化的周期 wiggler场自由电子激光器的增益表达式。

  • The low temperature and magnet systems of a 6T superconducting Wiggler and HLS storage ring induce special vacuum problems of the Wiggler .

    6T超导扭摆磁铁的低温和磁铁系统以及HLS的储存环决定了 Wiggler的真空问题的特殊性。

  • The toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips .

    学步的小孩在飞机上是一个 摇摆的人。

  • The photo mask must possess dimentional stability . Stability monitoring for wiggler radiation beam at NSRL

    光掩摸的尺寸必须稳定。 NSRL-Wiggler光源的稳定性监测

  • The Wiggler magnet is important part of synchrotron radiation device .


  • Superconducting wiggler or WLS ( wavelength shifter ) generates short wavelength SR. WLS effects and modeling are studied .

    超导 扭摆 磁铁(或称波长移动器,WLS)能产生短波长同步辐射,研究了WLS的效应与模拟问题。

  • In this paper we have presented a novel small-period wiggler simulated and done the overall experiments of the free-electron laser with the wiggler .

    首先,在本论文中,提出了一种新型的小周期 波荡 结构,并从理论和实验方面对这种小周期波荡器所构成的自由电子激光器进行了深入研究。

  • It is shown that an electron passing through a walking wave magnetic field can also produce spontaneous radiation so the walking wave magnetic field can serve as a wiggler of free electron laser .

    本文采用行波磁场作为 周期性磁场,通过讨论可以看出,当电子通过这种磁场时将产生自发辐射,说明该磁场能作为自由电子激光器的 摆动

  • The spontaneous emission spectrum of a novel wiggler free electron laser

    一种新型 摆动 自由电子激光的自发辐射谱

  • Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and the structure of the permanent magnetic wiggler

    永磁 扭摆 磁铁的同步辐射特性和结构分析

  • It proves that wiggler field can improve the focusing quality of beam greatly .

    证明了 摇摆 磁场能提高电子束聚焦性能。