


  • The wild-card player surprised everyone by winning the championship .

    那位 外卡选手 跌破众人的 眼镜,赢得了冠军。

  • To do this add an asterisk wild-card character in the source control folder box in the add workspace dialog box .

    为此,请在“添加工作区”对话框的“源代码管理文件夹”框中添加星号 通配符

  • The Yankees have won five straight and now lead the American League wild-card race by four games over the tigers who were beaten yesterday by the mariners .

    洋基目前赢得了五连胜,而且在美联 外卡 方面以四场领先 喵喵&因为昨天水手 终于打败了 喵喵

  • A Pattern Matching Algorithm with Wild-card Characters and Its Data Structures


  • Today however the moon will embrace Uranus the wild-card planet of the zodiac in your third house of communication .

    然而今天,月亮和天王星处在你的第 三宫交流宫。

  • It 's impossible to rehearse the best responses to wild-card interview questions since by definition they are unpredictable .

    如同没有能 预先 排练 中那些已知标题 成绩的答案,因为它们是没有成预知的。

  • While a rare interviewer may ask these questions simply to watch you squirm many wild-card questions serve a purpose .

    很少有里试民问那些 标题 成绩仅仅是 让您 难过,但是许多没有成 预知 标题 成绩皆是为了特定的方针才

  • They are just four and a half games behind the Cleveland Indians for the lead in the wild-card race .

    外卡竞争上,他们以4场半的胜 落后在克里夫兰印地安人队。

  • After the first round of Supergirls there was a wild-card competition to bring old contestants back .

    第一轮 超女比赛结束后,又进行了一场非常规赛,可以将被淘汰的选手再次召回舞台上。

  • The use of wild-card characters in the profile name creates what are known as generic profiles .

    在配置文件名称中使用 通配符可以 实现通用的配置文件。