wild men

[waɪld mɛn][waild men]


  • Mankind has succeeded in rising above wild animals and yet today men banish their own kind back into the ranks of animals .

    人把自己从 野兽中提拔出,可是到现在 还把自己的同类驱逐到野兽里去。

  • It also provided Wild with a very effective means of controlling his men .

    这也为 怀尔德控制他的手 下人提供了有效手段。

  • When Athens was threatened by the wild men King Tereus of Thrace came to its help .

    当雅典受到 的威胁时,色雷斯国王泰诺斯伸出了援助之手。

  • America 's violent Wild West she points out had a huge preponderance of men .

    她指出,美国西部 旷野男人占了绝大多数,充满暴力。

  • The second prisoner waited under the trees with two men to watch him . Suddenly the prisoner turned and ran . The two men ran after him but the other wild men were busy round the fire and did not see what was happening .

    另一个俘虏在树下等候,留有两个人看守,突然,这个俘虏转身就跑,两个人在后面追赶,但其余的 野人围着火忙着,并没有看见发生的事。

  • Then these wild men danced round the fire singing and shouting .

    接着那些 野人围绕着火堆跳起了舞,唱着叫着。

  • Statistical Analysis of Techniques of China Youth Men 's Basketball Team in the 7th World Youth Men 's Basketball Championship Analysis of the Attack of the Chinese Men 's Basketball Team in 7th Wild Young Men Championship

    中国青年男篮第7届 世青赛技术统计分析对中国青年男篮参加第七届世界青年 男篮锦标赛进攻情况的分析与研究

  • Blade for choppers and grinders Little Bao chopped a lamp-wick into fine pieces and crushed the wild flowers the men brought back .

    切碎机和粉碎机刀片小小宝帮着把灯芯草剪成细 末子,又把采来的 野花揉碎。

  • Sometimes there were fights between the wild men on the other islands . Then they came here to my island with their prisoners to kill them cook them and eat them .

    以前另一个岛上的 野人之间发生了一场战斗,然后他们带着他们的俘虏来到了我的岛上,杀了俘虏,接着烹了吃掉。

  • Perhaps this man was one of those wild people who killed and ate other men ! I looked everywhere but there was nobody and no other foot-print .

    也许,这是一个杀死并吃掉其他 野人!我到处看,但都没有人,也没有别的脚印。

  • Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight .

    狂暴 抓住飞驰的太阳,并为之歌唱。

  • He is the best landlord and the best master said she that ever lived . Not like the wild young men nowadays who think of nothing but themselves .

    他是个开明的庄主,又是个最好的主人;她说,他不象目前一般 撒野的青年,一心只为自己打算。

  • Recent years we have carried on the following new routes : wild tour random tour incentive tour Tour station China century Red Army tour Old men tour .

    近年来,本公司先后推出了 生态游、自助游、奖励旅游、“旅游车站”、百年中国之旅、红色之旅和老年 之旅等30多条旅游新线路、新产品。

  • Such wild men haunted the forests of medieval and Renaissance romance : irrational carnivorous dangerous untameful .

    类似的 野人经常出现在中世纪的森林和文艺复兴时期的传说中,他们丧失理性、食肉、危险和野性十足。

  • At college wild unknown men told me their secret gridfs .

    在大学时,一些不认识的 陌生人向我 倾诉他们隐秘的伤痛。

  • Somehow the wild men came and went and I never saw them .

    究竟 野人如何来来去去我却从来没有发现过。

  • The cows would become so frightened or wild that they would rush away before the men could stop them .

    牛群会因 惊恐而四处逃窜,而 牛仔 却来不及阻拦。

  • While I agree that lots of wild generalisations about men and women are bandied around I also think there may be something in claims that our fundamental biology influences how we behave .

    虽然我同意关于 男人和女人的很多 草率概括,我也认为可能有些基本生物学影响着我们的行为。

  • I 'll try to catch one of the prisoners of the wild men 'I said to myself . ' He 'll be happy to be alive and perhaps he 'll help me to escape . '

    我将试图能救一个那些 野人的俘虏,我自言自语,他将因为活着而高兴,可能他会帮助我逃跑。

  • But I love The Jungle Book and Wild Animals I Have Known . I feel a genuine interest in the animals themselves because they are real animals and not caricatures of men .

    比较而言,我更喜欢读《丛林故事》和《我所知道的 野生动物》这类书。我对动物确实有着浓厚的兴趣,因为它们是真正的动物而非被拟人化的 笑料

  • I would rather walk into a room full of wild animals than walk into that happy English house and tell those three men they were under arrest .

    我宁可走进满是 野兽的屋子也不愿去那座喜气洋洋的英国人的房子,对那三 个人说他们被捕了。

  • It was heresy of crackpots and wild men and it was really just an infantilism .

    那是 狂想家和过激分子的异端邪说的产物,实在不过是幼稚病而已。