

[电] 线导管

  • Some practical problems concerning the fusion of information from wire-guided torpedo sensors and submarine sensors are discussed including fusion architecture data and track association and combination identity information fusion and sensor management .

    探讨 线 鱼雷与潜艇通过 线 通道进行信息融合的若干实际问题,包括融合结构、雷上传感器数据关联、 数据与航迹关联、 数据与航迹综合、身份信息融合、传感器管理等。

  • Ethernet Interface Design for Voyage Wire-guided Torpedoes

    远航 线 鱼雷的以太网通信接口设计

  • The scope of shooting range scatter should be considered in the guidance process of wire-guided torpedo to ensure it entering into the area where torpedo can implement effective homing to target .

    在线 鱼雷实施导引过程中应充分考虑 鱼雷靶场散布范围的大小,以确保鱼雷能进入对目标实施有效自导的区域内。

  • Based on fuzzy logic a fuzzy intercept wire-guided guidance law of the underwater vehicle is proposed in this paper .

    基于模糊逻辑理论,本文提出了一种水下航行器模糊前置 线 导引律。

  • Simulation system for the control of wire-guided and differential steering AGV

    电磁 导向式差速型自动导向车导向控制仿真系统

  • The guiding method of the certain torpedo is studied through simulation inside there are wire-guided and passive / active homing procedures .

    对某型鱼雷的导引方法进行了仿真研究, 包括 线 和被/主动自导过程的 导引

  • Sampling of single battery voltage is a key technique for the charging and discharging equipment of general wire-guided torpedo .

    单体电池电压采集技术是通用 线 鱼雷充放电设备中的一项关键技术。

  • The Yu-5 is reported to be an indigenously developed new-generation wire-guided anti-submarine torpedo .

    中国鱼-5据报道是一种本国自行发展的新一代 线 制导反潜鱼雷。

  • Application of wire-guided tubal recanalization under hysteroscope combined with laparoscope for the treatment of occluded oviduct infertility

    宫、腹腔镜下 疏通在输卵管阻塞性不孕中的应用

  • The tactical significance of submarine homing / wire-guided torpedo ′ s firing at straight running function

    潜用自导/ 线 鱼雷 直航射击功能的战术意义

  • The thesis provides an analysis of submarine homing torpedo and wire-guided torpedo ′ s tactical characteristic and then expatiates on the tactical significance of their firing at straight running function .

    分析了潜用自导鱼雷和 线 鱼雷的战术特性,并从 战斗 使用 角度 出发,阐述了潜用自导鱼雷和 线 鱼雷直航射击功能的战术意义。

  • Analysis of Shooting Range Scatter for Wire-guided Torpedo

    线 鱼雷靶场散布分析

  • Analysis of effect of whole oviduct intubation on tubal infertility with hysteroscope association laparoscope Application of wire-guided tubal recanalization under hysteroscope combined with laparoscope for the treatment of occluded oviduct infertility

    宫腹腔镜联合行输卵管全程插管再通术疗效分析宫、腹腔镜下 疏通在输卵管阻塞性不孕中的应用

  • Fusion of Sensor Information from Wire-guided Torpedo and Submarine and some Special Issues


  • The wire-guided missile is invulnerable to electronic countermeasures and has a very small percentage of malfunctions .

    线 的导弹不会受到电子干扰和非常小的故障百分比。

  • Azimuth Disturbance Problem of Submarine Wire-guided Torpedo Attacking Multeity Warship

    射线 鱼雷对多目标攻击方位干扰问题研究

  • Attacked Decision-making of Submarine Wire-guided Torpedo Based on Real-time Forecast of Torpedo Range

    基于鱼雷航程实时预报的潜 射线 鱼雷 性判断

  • A Summary of Guiding Methods of Present Wire-guided Torpedo

    具有的指导 意义 线 鱼雷导引方法综述

  • This looks like a version of the Sagger wire-guided anti-tank missile said to be the most widely produced anti-armour weapon of all time .

    上图可能是Sagger有线 制导反坦克导弹,该武器是生产最广的反坦克武器。