
[ˌwɪliˈnɪlɪ][ˌwɪli ˈnɪli]



  • Obviously we are not bound to use the language just as it was used a hundred years ago but neither is it in our interest to change the language willy-nilly .

    显而易见的是:我们既不 愿意 百多年前那样使用语言,也 愿意 勉强的改变语言。

  • Willy-nilly we are all card-carrying citizens of the One Earth .

    无可奈何 ,我们是全部一地球的卡片运载的公民。

  • The perplexed and willy-nilly character has finally make a big mistake .

    迷糊半推半就的个性,终于让 大错。

  • They introduced the new laws willy-nilly .

    他们 不管 大家 喜欢 引进了法律。

  • She was forced willy-nilly to accept the company 's proposals .

    她被迫 无奈接受了公司的提议。

  • She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer .

    她将自己的衣服 杂乱 扔入一个抽屉中。

  • They are too many and willy-nilly they 'll drag down the would-be equestrian before ever he gets astride .

    奴隶太多, 无论他们 愿意,不等你那人跨上 马背已经被他们拉了下来。

  • You can 't just do as you please willy-nilly .

    不管 愿意,你不能想怎么干就 怎么

  • I found myself willy-nilly alchemized into an American the moment I touched French soil .

    我发现当我的双脚踏上法国的土地,就 身不由己地一下子认识到自己是美国人。

  • Add fuel subsidies to the currency peg cheap labour and light planning regulation and the incentive to expand capacity willy-nilly is overwhelming .

    燃油补贴,再加上盯住汇率制、廉价劳动力和计划调控监管不力, 使得大肆扩大产能的动机占了 上风

  • The neighbouring countries have become involved willy-nilly in the conflict .

    邻国已经 无可奈何 卷进了这场冲突。

  • He recognized that you can 't just abrogate contracts willy-nilly but he moved to do what could be done Larry Summers Obama 's chief economic adviser told the AP in an interview Tuesday .

    “他知道你不能 被迫取消合同,但他做了应该做的事情,”Obama的首席经济顾问Larry Summers在周二的一次访谈中告诉美联社。

  • Clerks bundled papers into files willy-nilly .

    职员们 随意 将文件塞进 文件夹

  • The government were dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation .

    政府 不管 情愿 情愿,也被拖进了这场冲突。

  • Don 't use you credit card willy-nilly .

    别拿着你的信用卡 随便

  • I found myself being dragged willy-nilly into their petty disputes .

    我发现自己 无端 卷入他们琐碎的纠纷之中。

  • There are early signs that programmes are being implemented willy-nilly without due thought to overarching national goals .

    已有一些苗头显示,部分项目的执行 十分 随意,缺乏综合考虑国家目标的深思熟虑。

  • Into this universe and why not knowing nor whence like water willy-nilly flowing ; and out of it as wind along the waste I know not whither willy-nilly blowing .

    飘飘入世,如水 不得不流,不知何故来,也不知 来自何处;飘飘 出世,如风之不得不吹,风过漠地又不知吹向何许。

  • For example anger may provoke violent feelings towards another but generally people refrain from stabbing each other willy-nilly .

    比如,愤怒可能激起对他人的过激行为,但是一般情况下,人们会避免和人 死磕

  • The Chinese are acquiring resources all around the world and with them willy-nilly an overseas empire that threatens U.

    中国人在全世界收购资源,并 成就一个威胁美国利益的海外帝国。

  • Heed my words here : Willy-nilly no-schema non-organized data is a recipe for disaster !

    请注意我这里的一句话: 杂乱无章、无模式、无组织的数据是造成灾难的因素!