


  • Here 's how to teach your horse to stop willingly and well .

    下面是如何教会你的马 自动 和很好地停止。

  • When her mother suggested that she stay Alice willingly acquiesced .

    当母亲建议她留下时,艾丽斯 欣然允之。

  • But arrived the Yangshuo moon village you would put on mire toward the body willingly .

    可是到了阳朔月亮村,你就会 心甘情愿 往身上抹泥了。

  • Teach your puppy to willingly give you food and toys when you ask for them .

    教导您的小狗 愿意给你的食物和玩具,当你问他们。

  • He gave her the money quite willingly .

    他相当 乐意 给了她那笔钱。

  • Well-I would willingly do so if only we two were concerned .

    唉&要是只是我们两个人的事,我就会 情愿为你办了。

  • There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives .

    有时,我们为了挽救生命, 愿意付出我们所拥有的一切。

  • If you were bridegroom will you accept this custom willingly ?

    如果你是新郎,你会 甘心接受风俗的 捉弄吗?

  • You never willingly do that - you 'll never love me I fear . '

    你从来就不 愿意 我恐怕你永远也不会爱我了。

  • All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent .

    我以正直的 乐意 上这一切物。

  • This is the price of peace I pay it willingly .

    这是和平的代价,我会 乐意支付。

  • I shall stay an hour or two willingly .

    特别 那种 如果有我 参加 事情,我将 愿意一两个钟头。

  • And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here have given to you .

    现在我喜欢见你的民在这里都 乐意 奉献与你。

  • I would willingly go with you .

    我会 愿意 跟你走的。

  • If He wants you to give the gift back to Him give it willingly with love .

    如果他想要你把这件礼物还给他,要带着爱 欣然 还给他。

  • He did it quite willingly .


  • Jesus goes willingly with a band of soldiers who had been sent to capture Him .

    耶稣 甘心与一群派来“抓”他的士兵走了。

  • Jesus willingly put our need for forgiveness above his own life and for that we are forever grateful .

    耶稣 自愿 把我们对饶恕的需要放在了自己生命之上,我们永远对此心存感激。

  • Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life .

    谁能记住这一点,谁就不会 心甘情愿 浪费他生命的每分每秒。

  • I 'll willingly help you ; painting walls is just in my line of country .


  • You knowingly and willingly took an addictive drug .

    你知道而且 自愿的服用了让人上瘾的药物。

  • Think you are sweet and heart pain are willingly to wait only Hen Buneng always see you !

    想你,是甜蜜和心痛,是 甘心情愿的等待,只恨不能时时刻刻看见你!

  • I can 't willingly throw you into another man 's arms .

    我不能 心甘情愿 把你推到别人的怀抱中去。

  • But why would you willingly relinquish control over your resources and allow them to virtually exist in the cloud ?

    但是,为什么您会 心甘情愿 放弃对自己资源的控制,而让它们虚拟地存在于云中呢?

  • Would you like to inform John as to why you came so willingly ?

    你能告诉约翰你为什么那么 愿意来?

  • Many people willingly converted to buddhism .

    很多人 情愿皈依佛教。

  • We would willingly have helped you if we had not known who you were and with whom you were fighting .

    “如果我们不知道你们是谁,也不知道你们要和谁打仗,我们是不会帮助你们的”(不知道对不对) 寓意

  • He listened to reason and willingly accepted his comrades'opinions and criticisms .

    他听从劝告, 乐意 接受了同志们的意见和批评。

  • And to bleed willingly and joyfully .

    和流血 乐意和高兴。

  • I departed willingly though sadly .

    虽然很难过,我还是 心甘情愿 离开了。